Middle Earth - Daughter of Eryn Galen

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A Middle Earth Fanfiction



Thranduil was accused once of having no love in him. Indeed, even his children, Legolas and Aeslin had found their memories of his love for them growing faint as the years passed. But Thranduil had loved. Perhaps not so strongly as his daughter loved her Marchwarden, but the Woodland King had loved. He had grown to care for the mother of his children dearly.

Enough that her death had devastated him. For he had truly loved his Huntress.

This is their story.

Companion Story/Prequel to Daughter of Mirkwood and part of my Daughters of Middle Earth series.


Follows the love story of Thranduil and his Queen (name tbd) culminating in their eventual regard and love for each other and the births of their children: Legolas and Aeslin.

Yeah...this one's going to happen. I have a general arc for the relationship and a fairly good grasp of the story as a whole, but nothing concrete written yet. This one's on a backburner for now.

07/08/20 Update: Plans are coming together! So far, it's looking like, timeline-wise, it's going to span from right around the founding of Rivendell (during the Second Age and the height of the Wars with Sauron) through the Last Alliance and on to the War with Angmar at the very least, and possibly later depending on where I decide to end it in relation to our Mirkwood Queen's death (ie. with her death or go on past it a little). 

Oh, and there will be dragons. ;)

But, yeah. Even with that all decided, lots to do and still lots of decisions to be made.

That, and I haven't entirely settled on her name yet, which doesn't help. The name I came up with for Aeslin's story was Lasbereth (which literally means 'Leaf Queen'), which I may keep as her epessë, but let's be honest...it's *very* on the nose. So we're considering alternatives.

Some possibilities being:

Aulariel or Lauriel : daughter of sunlit leaves 

Laeriel : summer daughter 

Lasaeriel : crowned with summer leaves (probably the frontrunner, atm)

Fariniel  : woodland huntress

Tiriniel : daughter of woodland guardian 

Auriel : sunlit crown 

Thoughts? I'd love to hear them!

08/20/20 Update I may have had a bit of a brainwave and might have found a name that'll work? So, if anyone would care to weigh in, I'd love the feedback. <3 So far, it seems to be the current top contender.

And it is (cue drumroll) 

Auriennil : sunlit bridge

Now it's just a matter of deciding on a cover... 

*clears throat nervously*

...I've got it narrowed down to three? 



She had always known herself to be fair; her skin creamy, her hair golden and her eyes the colour of the warm summer sky.

He was fairer still. 

But Thranduil had an icy beauty where ______ knew herself to be sunshine.

That alone could've been said to foreshadow their incompatibility. She was warm; him cool. She was fiery; him icy. She was passionate and personable; him reserved, aloof. 

Yet...there was a wildness about him, simmering, just barely visible beneath his almost ruthless proud demeanour. It was visible in the way he moved, in his eyes when he was frustrated or amused. There was something feral to him almost. Something that echoed the wildness of the forest he ruled.

Something she was drawn to.

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