Middle Earth - Daughter of Gondor

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A Middle Earth Fanfiction



Follows Gaelwyn and her daughter Aidawel, the illegitimate child of Boromir, as well as her Uncle Faramir and Aunt Eowyn.


Again, just a faint idea that would, of course, tie in with the others, if I write it at all. 

I may also just combine/integrate some of my ideas for it in with my rewrite of Daughter(s) of Gondor (my planned Legolas/OC story) and do just a one shot, or series of drabbles to cover what I couldn't do there. :) 

Names subject to change.

07/08/20 Update: In muddling through and (semi-)finalizing some of my ideas and plans for my Post-LotR instalments of this series, I think this story will ultimately be it's own thing, likely taking on the title Daughter of Gondor since another option that I kind of like better has materialized for my Aragorn+Arwen=daughter/Legolas fic. Whether or not it's a full-length story or more of a novella, I won't know until it's properly written.


Sneak Peek

Sadly, nothing yet, my lovelies.

In The WorksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora