Romance - Adoption

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An Original Work



Her dreams of adopting a baby of her own were repeatedly getting dashed no matter what she did to prove herself up to the task.

His dream of adopting a baby of his own was proving just out of reach when his partner declared he wasn't ready for a family and left him.

So they did what any pair of friends would do.

They decided to adopt together.

The only question remaining? How long before their friendship and mutual quest for parenthood would lead to something more?


So, this one was a wee little inkling of an idea in the back of my mind. 

Until the other day, when my brain helpfully supplied a facecast for Luke....leading to him resembling Lee Pace....resulting in a steam of blurbs and snippets demanding to be recorded along with a summary. 

My brain really doesn't know when to quit, does it....



"Why are you here? Don't you have your own house? With your own liquor?"

"This is my liquor," he slurred back, gesturing messily over to the sideboard behind her. Well that was a small mercy, she noted sardonically, indeed not recognizing the bottle she spotted there.

"Still doesn't answer the question," she redirected, turning back to him. His lip tugged in the semblance of a smirk. It came out as more of a grimace.

"Matt left me."

"Oh," she muttered, suddenly feeling guilty. "Sorry." He shrugged.

"S'okay," he mumbled back. "You didn't know. I didn't know," he added with a more distinct grimace before taking another sip of his whiskey. "I thought we were on the same page." He threw back the rest of his drink and hauled himself up to refill his glass. She didn't say anything as he made his way back to the couch. Just waited for him to explain.

He flopped back down next to her, resuming his position with his head on her lap.

"Apparently he didn't actually want a kid." The rest didn't need to be said.

Her heart panged uncomfortably in her chest at the soft admission. She could certainly sympathize there. She certainly knew what it was like to have a partner who wasn't interested in having children, adopted or otherwise.

It also meant that, on top of his relationship ending, his dream of adopting was now just as out of reach as hers was.

Weren't they just a pair.    

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