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"Shut the fuck up horse face..and let me fucking sleep" yoongi threw a pencil at hoseok who kept rambling on about that one time he almost got arrested for trying to pet a tiger at the zoo. "Who pissed in your cheerios today" hoseok asked looking at yoongi who gave him a death glare.

"You know he's always like this twenty-four seven" jin said with his eyes glued to the papers on his desk.
"Yeah but today he just seems extra bitchy." Hoseok said rolling his eyes. I looked over at yoongi who was already half asleep on his desk. After a while i looked up and met eye to eye with jungkook.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Why are you guys smiling at each other like that from across the room...its creepy" i blushed at hoseok's comment i searched for jungkook's eyes again but he had already looked away. I kept working.

30 minutes had passed and i had finished doing the work mr.namjoon expected on his desk by morning. And i was bored so i pulled out my sketch book and started sketching. I let my hand take control and i found myself drawing jungkook.

I was half way done when i felt someone in front of me. I looked up and saw jungkook "mr.namjoon told me to hand these to you" he put a small pile of papers  on my desk and walked away. I was kinda sad that he didn't talk to me more but my sadness soon faded away when i saw what was on top of the papers.

*go to the bathroom* was written in a yellow sticky note. A small smile made it's way to my face. I looked up and saw jungkook already looking at me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom with his eyes following me.

After 2 minutes in the bathroom looking in the mirror waiting for him i heard the door open. I turned towards the door and jungkook walked in. I smiled as i walked to him and wrapped my hands around his neck. He automatically wrapped his hands around my waist. "It's torture not being able to hold you in my arms because we're at work."

I looked up at him. "I know kookie i want you close as much as you want me. But we're at work." "I know" he tightened his grip on my waist. I leaned in and connected our lips together. I felt him respond immediately he slipped his tongue into my mouth and grabbed my ass hard which made me moan into the kiss.

"Fuck you've made me so fucking horny today. I got a boner by watching you pass by. And those tight rip jeans ain't helping."

I chuckled. "Don't worry kookie we'll have our alone time...i'll  suck you off so good you'll see the heavens." He groaned at my words and i mentally high fived myself.

"For such a pretty face you have a very dirty mouth." "what can i say you bring out the dirtiest in me."

He smirked "oh do i now." He snaked his hand under my hoodie and started playing with my nipples. Which was a very sensitive spot for me, and he knew it.

I threw my head back while my hands were still on his neck and his were still tightly around my waist well one of them was, the other was to busy playing with my sensitive now hard bud.

A low moan escaped my mouth and i immediately covered my mouth. "Don't cover your pretty moans baby i wanna hear them." I felt his breath in my ear. "Kookie we're at work...or did you forget." He groaned. "No i didn't."

i pulled away with a chuckle. He started pouting "i wanna keep holding you baby" he said with a sad expression. i pecked his lips but he was still pouting which was adorable. So i kissed him again and again and again until he stopped, and there were smiles on both of our faces.

But my smile disappeared after a while and it was replaced with a nervous expression. "Go to my house after work...i have something to tell you." he seemed to notice my nervousness.

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