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              JUNGKOOK'S POV

I woke up on the couch i had a huge headache probably from cry to much the tv was on. Me and tae must have fellen asleep with it on. "Tae" i called "yeah" he opened the bathroom door with a toothbrush in his mouth taehyung moved in with me 3 days ago cause things weren't going well with him and kai so he moved in with me. "I don't have work today wanna go out" "okay" he closed the bathroom door i went upstairs to my room and looked in the mirror i looked horrible like i haven't slept in months my eyes were puffy and red and my hair was a mess. I took my clothes off and went into the bathroom that was in my room i took a shower and got out i put on some tight blue rip jeans and a long sleeveless black shirt i styled my hair. It was long and curly i didn't even noticed how long it's gotten i put on my regular long dangling earrings and went down stairs "tae let's go!" i yelled as i grabbed my keys "I'm coming he yelled he came back running down the stairs "ah i would've loved to see you fall" "luckily i didn't" he said giving me a sarcastic smile. I looked at him he was wearing a black hoodie some rip black jeans and a black beret that said ellioti on front and some black dress shoes "you in all black that's a rare sight for the eyes" "oh shut up and let's go" i chuckled, opened the door and we went out ."So do you wanna walk or take the car" i said "let's walk......but where are we going anyways" "let's go get some coffee" "ok" he said we kept walking "you cried a lot last night my pj's were soaked". "Can we not talk about that please I'm trying not to think of him and so far I've been doing great until you brought it up" "fine" "and by the way they aren't your pj's there mine and you were wearing them without permission" "since when do i ask for permission to take your stuff" i rolled my eyes. We got to the little coffee shop we go to a lot. We went in "2 americanos please" i ordered "yah why'd you order for me" "that's what you always order" "but what if i wanted to try something new" "did you" "" "thought so". Right there the guy came with our orders i payed and took mine tae took his after but not before saying "thanks cutie" and winking at the guy i saw the guy blush i rolled my eyes we walked out. "You always gotta be flirting with everyone" "what he was cute" i rolled my eyes "you do know you have a boyfriend right" he stoped walking i stoped and looked back at him "tae" i said softly "w-we broke up" "what?!" i walked over to him. "That's why i moved in with you i know i told you it was just that we weren't doing well.....but i-i cought him cheating and we got into this huge argument and we broke up" "that fucking bastard i swear to god i'ma ki-" ."No kookie you won't do nothing" "bu-" "n-no just don't please" he said his voice breaking a tear rolled down his eye i hugged him tight then i pulled away and wiped his tear "don't cry tae he didn't deserve you anyways" he gave me a weak smile we kept walking. "Hey wanna go to the park and just chill" "yea" we walked to the park "I'm surprised there's no one here it's so sunny today" "yeah" i said we sat down on the swings we drank our coffee and talked. "Remember when we use to come here everyday in high school after school" "yeah" i said smiling "but then you started coming with him" i gave him a puzzled look "with who?" "n-no one" "tae" he stayed quiet "tae!". He looked at me "you know you've been doing that a lot you always try to avoid me asking you but i want answers.....who is the person you bring up but then pretend like you didn't" "i can't tell you". "Tae your my best friend and you've been my best friend for years we're supposed to tell each other everything"  "i know and i wish i could tell you but i can't" "WHY!" I said i was starting to get mad "you can't know". "What do you mean i can't know" "it's for your own good ok I'm just trying to protect you" "protect me from what tea! From what" he bite his lip as if he was holding back. I stood up and walked off "jungkook" i could hear him call me but i kept on walking until i reached the house. I open it with my key walked in and sat on the couch i closed my eye and took a deep breath about 10 mins later taehyung walked in the house he looked at me and walked over to me he stood in front of me "are you mad" he said softly "no I'm fucking happy tae" i stood up and walked up the stairs to my room and slammed the door loud.

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