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I hear my alarm go off and i sat up on my bed while i rub my eye and then lay back down looking up at the ceiling. *I don't wanna go i don't wanna go i don't wanna go* i thought to myself i really didn't wanna go to work. Because of yesterdays accident in eunwoo's store i don't want to see him how was i wonna explain why i ran away. It's like i keep running away from him hes probably wondering why. But i'll just try to avoid him today.... it's going to be hard to but i have to. I stood up and got out of bed and went to take a shower when i came out. I put on a black turtleneck a light blue jean jacket on top of it some light blue jeans to go with it and some black boots. I then go downstairs and grab my keys and go out the door and lock it i go into my car and start driving to work.


I wake up just in time for work just as my alarm goes off i turn it off and get up from bed. I wanted to see him so bad i wanted to ask him why hes acting like that with me. I took a shower and put on a black oversized hoodie some light blue rip jeans and some white shoes. I ate my breakfast and headed out.


As i drive I'm thinking of how I'm gonna get through today. *Ok is easy jimin just look ahead ignore and that's it....... Ugh i should've just stayed home* i get to work park my car and get out. I see jungkook's car there wich means *his already here* i think as i nervously walk up to the building i say hi to the security jinyoung and go in. I go to the elevator and press my floor number and i'm there standing in the middle of the elevator so nervous. As the doors open everyone turns to look at who just came i walk to my desk and sit down i know hes looking but i don't give him not one second of eye contact. It felt forever until lunch time came it felt like jungkook was literally piercing through my soul and my whole body. Since lunch time is 1 hours and 30 mins your allowed to go out to eat i stand up ready to go eat out but i hear hoseok call me. "Yes" i say as i turn around looking at him "hey jiminie wanna go eat together" "ummm...sorry hobi but i'm.....ummmm....gonna go eat with a friend". *I just need to get away from jungkook i can't see him or get close to him and it's killing me*. "I hope you don't mind" "no it's fine"i'll just eat with jin hyung...u go" "thanks hoseok hyung i promise you next time i'll eat with u". I say as i run out the building as i'm reaching my car i feel someone pull me back by my wrist i turned around and i see him "hey can i talk to u for a second" he says looking at me "no i have somewhere to go" i say. "Plz it will only just take like 2 minutes" he says not breaking our eye contact "i said no....and let me go". I said as i free my wrist from his grip and turn to get in my car "why are u trying to avoid me" he suddenly said wich caught me off guard. "I'm not just don't get close to me or talk to me" i said trying to hold back tears threatening to come out "why are u suddenly acting like this u were fine on your first day of work.... yesterday why did u ignore me like that huh" he said. "Just stop talking to me jungkook" i said as i opened my car door and got in and drove off but i heard him scream my name before i left. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" i screamed as i drove to my fav place to eat "jungkook you got me fucked up" i say as a tear rolled down my face. *Why am i such a cry baby* i thought *i always cry cause of u jungkook when will u stop making me cry* "WHY CAN'T I JUST BE WITH U WITHOUT HAVING TO DEAL WITH CONSEQUENCES!!!" i screamed as i drove and cried. I parked my car as i got there i got off and went inside to eat
i payed and grabbed my car keys and went out i got inside my car and started driving to work again. I got to work and went inside yoongi was the only one there "hey yoongi hyung were are the others". "They haven't come from there lunch yet" he said with his head down like always half asleep "oh ok" i said and went to my seat about 5 mins later i stood up to go to the bathroom. I went inside the bathroom i used it and went out to wash my hands i washed them and dried them i then looked in the mirror. *you can do this jimin.....just hold on a little longer the days almost over* i thought as i finished and walked out the bathroom as i walked to my desk i saw the rest had come back. I see jungkook sitting on jin's desk to be honest i was a bit pissed *how can he be so comfortable with jin......they must be really close* i thought to myself as i took a seat. That though boils my blood but i shook it off and focused on something else after about 10 mins i look up to meet his eyes we spend like 10 seconds like that until i break eye contact. *stop don't think about him jimin* i thought as i put my head down and continued my work.


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