17. Meeting a Murderer

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Another week has passed and I was already used to living with Isaac. Mostly because we barely saw each other. I didn't run into him after coming home from his mysterious job like the other night so there was no more awkwardness.

Then my peaceful days were once again disrupted. It was the middle of the week and I just got off work. It was still daylight outside so I didn't call Isaac and headed home by myself.

I opened the door then gasped when I witnessed the scene in my living room.

A man was sprawled across the floor by the coffee table. I didn't have to be a doctor to figure out his current situation. He was absolutely positively dead. D.E.A.D. I had a dead man in my living room. There was a pool of blood on the carpet and the floor. My glass coffee table was broken into pieces. Who knows else what else was broken in the house.

Isaac stood over the body with a large knife in his hands. He stared at me wide-eyed as if he couldn't believe I just caught him red-handed. I guess he didn't realize I come home early sometimes.

I quickly came inside and slammed the door shut.

"Isaac E. Walter! What the hell is the meaning of this? Please tell me you just spilled ketchup all over that guy," I said angrily.

"I spilled ketchup on this guy," Isaac said awkwardly.

"Where is Elvis? Is he okay?" I said frantically. If something happened to my dog I'll murder Isaac. I don't care how much bigger and stronger he is compared to me.

"He is fine. He is hiding in your room with the door shut," Isaac replied. "Look, Anna, I'm really sorry about this. You weren't meant to see this. I thought no one knew I lived here. I'll explain everything to you."

"You destroyed my new coffee table and you have blood all over my carpet which I'm going to have to throw away. Do you know how much carpets cost? Do you?" I roared.

I was really angry and upset. Not so much for the carpet but for the situation as a whole. It was upsetting to know that I was right about Isaac all along. He was a murderer. I was hoping I misjudged him in the past.

"I'll take care of all of this, I promise. And I'll leave tonight. No harm will come to you, I promise!" Isaac sounded desperate. His eyes were sad and lonely.

"I don't want you to leave," I said quietly.

What am I saying? I should be afraid of him. I should be calling the police. There has been a murder in my own living room!

That should've been my initial reaction. But instead, I wanted to forget about it and move on. My conscience must be broken.

"You don't?" Isaac asked as if to confirm my crazy decision.

"No," I said. "But I'm not cleaning that up," I said and pointed at the dead body.

"And you are buying me a new table and a rug," I added.

Isaac nodded. He still had that confused look on his face.

Fuck...I need a nap.

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