16. Friendship or Something More?

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I felt better after we ate. He kept my mind off of things by cracking jokes and making me laugh. Was this the same man from last night who looked terrifying with that blood-soaked face? It was like I was dealing with two different people.

I decided not to dwell on it too much.

"One of my friends wants to meet you," I told him.

"Oh yeah?" he raised his eyebrows. "How does she know about me?"

"Um...it's a he and he saw you coming out of my house and asked me about it. I didn't tell him we are living together because that might worry him," I said.

"He, huh? A potential boyfriend of yours?" Isaac looked at me with those dark eyes. His demeanor suddenly changed from friendly to standoffish.

"What, no no. I told you about him before. Josh from work remember?" I said quickly.

"Right, him. Sure I'll meet him if it makes you happy. Maybe I'll even scare him a little for sticking his nose in your business," he smirked. "Rough him up a little."

"NO! Don't you dare! He is a nice guy," I laughed and pushed him playfully.

"Oh, a nice guy eh? I bet he is playing nice until he gets inside your pants," he teased.

"You are totally wrong!" I protested.

"You are over here playing friendship while that poor fella jerking off to your name," Isaac chuckled.

"Shut up! He is not!" I said with my eyes wide. I can't believe he'd say stuff like that about Josh!

"Oh Anna.... you are so beautiful....oh...please let me put my nerdy dick inside your tight...pu..." he stopped talking as I slapped my hands on his mouth.

"You are so gross!" I giggled. "You are the worst! I am kicking you out if you don't stop," I whined.

"Oh yeah? Don't come crying to me if I turn out to be right," he shrugged.

"You won't be. And I am not beautiful," I said.

"That's a lie, Anna Lynch," he said in a husky voice. His eyes were dark and humorless again.

I tried to avoid his gaze as my face started to turn red again. The way he was looking at me was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. It was as if he wanted me.

I shook my head to brush away that ridiculous notion. Guys like Isaac and can have any women he wanted. I bet he was into women that were super gorgeous like an actress or a model.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked me and inched closer.

"Nothing, um..well you might not be completely wrong. Josh did try to ask me out before. Do you think I should give him a chance?" I asked.

He looked into the distance for a moment. "You know him more than I do so do whatever you want," he said.

I couldn't help but sense the change of atmosphere between us. Isaac didn't look as cheerful as before. I wondered if it was something I said.

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