18. The Surprise

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As soon as she was down she started shaking uncontrollably. My eyes watered, "SHE GOING INTO SHOCK!!" I heard our doctor yell.

They cut and pulled apart the top of her nightgown where a hole was and they started running pushing the gurney. We ran after them, "We need her in surgery now! Her wound is laced with poison! We need to get it out now before it spreads!!! MOVE IT!" Dr. Eena yelled.

My mom started sobbing and I stood still, poison? They disappeared behind the door and Dr. Eenas husband had to stop us before going in after them.

Val started punching the wall while our cousins tried to stop him. Tino just starred at the door longingly and Leo was pacing around pulling his hair.

I turned to see my dad and mom on the floor holding each other crying.

I took a deep breath and slid down on the floor, holding my knees. Tears ran down my face and I sat and waited and wished for my sister to be okay.

When I saw her she looked so bad, like she went through hell and I know she did. We don't know what he's done to her. He is a sick man who takes what he wants.

I banged the back of my head on the wall and just waited, it was all I could do for now.


It's been 6 hours since she's been in surgery, Dr.Eena came out 2 hours in and said she had other injuries and broken bones that they had to snap back into place. They also wanted to run multiple tests on her and do a full body examination.

The door opened and she had a oxygen mask on her small face. They wheeled her into a room and my mom went in the room with her while we waited for the doctor.

Dr.Eena sighed sadly, "She will be in a medical induced coma until tomorrow night. We were able to get most of the poison out before it spread throughout her system. We stitched her cut up after cleaning it out as much as we could. She will need antibiotics for the next week. She had multiple bones that were out of place and were reset, lucky we didn't have to rebreak any. She has multiple bruises and scars covering her body indicating that she was beaten more than once. But.. there's more."


We were already fuming. Each one of us was shaking with anger.

We all wanted Petro dead.

"What is it?" My dad growled.

Dr. Eena gulped and looked down, "When we did the full body examination.. there was a scar on her left ribcage.. It is a big PK.." she trailed off.

My mouth opened, he marked her as his. He claimed her by carving his initials into my baby sister.

"Wh-What?" Tino asked in disbelief.

She nodded her head, "Um, we also found signs of vaginal scarring.. her hymen is not broken so that means she was only touched very roughly. I'm guessing hands." She said solemnly.

We froze.

"She was touched? Sexually?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry.. she will most likely not want to talk about the incident. I don't want you guys to pressure her as it could cause panic attacks." She told us sternly.

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