"Why were you walking so wobbly? Motion sickness?" she asked. I only shook my head and she looked at me in an observing manner. "Sorry about that, Noah. I was focused on somebody else. Gee, I just bumped to two people in a row today."

I perk up. "D-Did you happen to see a grey-haired guy around?!"

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes. How did you know? That guy was just running in a hurry and carelessly bumped to me hard without apologizing. I watched him going down that alley over there until I bumped to you."

"Thanks", I said, then she waved at me before joining other girls from school at the entrance of the mall.

I walked fast to the long and narrow alley she directed me to and all I could see was it leading me to a street at the other side of the building. A lot of people. There's a hotel and park here... Too many people. How can I find him at such crowd? Just the thought of it makes me feel rather claustrophobic.

I give a sigh and leaned against the wall at the end of the alley. I see dumps. Water puddles. Heck, nobody would want to walk here, except if you're being chased by kidnappers or a mafia or a sumo wrestler or some sort. Then why is he...


I turned my head in surprise. Zipper was stepping into the alleyway looking kinda out of breath. I've never seen him in casual clothing before, by the way. He's even hotter in that. W-Wait, I got the twins.

((Noah Eden, officially and almost openly gaaaaaaayyyyy))

"What are you doing here?" He breathed out, his tone rather dark. I narrowed my eyes a little. "I could ask the same thing. I thought you called in sick."

The blonde looked at me sort of intimidatingly and then shrugged. "I... was meeting a friend. Yeah, about to... This is my shortcut. Don't tell Jul."

"Hmm..." I mumbled.

"Not with the twins today?"

"We got... separated."

Zipper didn't reply. He looked at the crowd for a moment. "Actually, I still need to look for him. Well, I guess we better get going then. See you", he muttered the last part.

I din't even get to look. But he dived into the crowd.

He sure can be detached at times...


"Where were you?"

"Uh, bathroom", I replied to Gerald as I sat back to my place between the twins. Cath is here as well now, and the twins are staring at me. They're all already in the middle of eating while my food probably got cold.

"I thought so", Gerald said and continued his lasagna. Cathra began rambling about ships right after, but I zoned out not paying a word.

I don't think... Mentioning Brandon would be a good idea at all. Not now, at least. I don't want to explain things if they ever confront me about it. I'm not ready yet. And most of all, I'm not ready dragging them into another burden of mine. Especially the twins. We just recently got into a three-people relationship, and having them seeing the darker side of my life will probably scare them off...

I let out a deep but quiet sigh and felt a surprising warmth on my hand that were on my sides. I looked around at Keith and Kyle and they stared at me with an expression that speaks, "Is everything ok?"

I gave them a smile that probably looks rather bitter. To show I'm being genuine, I turned my hand and gave theirs a squeeze. They scooted closer and returned the firm grip. I want to kiss them for comfort, but with Gerry, Cath and other customers here I guess I'll have to endure.

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now