Story 16

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Story 16: Theo

"Since WHEN do you have a younger brother?!"

"Since ALWAYS!" I replied in a scoff as I typed back a reply in panic. Theo never visited me before. It's usually always the other way around. Not to mention I have these two PERVERTED ALIENS with me.

I frowned at the screen as I read Theo's short reply which only says one word; "Tomorrow"

I put away my phone with a sigh and lay down on the bed again, gazing at the ceiling. Both the twins raised an eyebrow but cuddled closer all while wrapping their arms around me. Kyle only moved a little to turn off the lights.

I gave them both another peck on the cheek and they replied with the same action before smiled and drifted off to sleep. I smiled at the two figure and stroked their hair. I like it how they decided not to ask more questions on Theo. They're so understanding.

I slowly closed my eyes and let go of their hair to take a slumber myself.


I stirred myself awake, and looked around.

I have no memory of this place.

I looked down and the twins are sound asleep. And-... Oh God, THEY'RE NAKED?!

I pulled the covers away and realized another thing. OH GOD, WHY AM I NAKED?! WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?! It clicked to me.


There are marks all over my body. The sheet also looks kinda... dirty and strange. My face heated up in embarrassment before I pulled the covers back up to cover my face. What have I done?!

Just when I was about to wake them up, they sat up and stretched themselves before went fully awake. Not literally. Keith yawned and looked around. Kyle rubbed his eyes and scratched his head.

Then they both smiled sweetly at me and gave a soft kiss on the lips.

"Good morning", they greeted. I blushed lightly and greeted back softly. They must've guessed what I was thinking because Kyle smirked and Keith only smiled mischievously. "Well~ Shall we clean up together?" the older of the two cooed.

"How about spending the day together afterwards?~" Kyle added slyly.

I gritted my teeth as they looked at me amused, probably teasing how red my face could've been.

Then before they could protest, I tried to ran to the bathroom but my legs began shaking and gave up on me, making me drop to the floor. The hell?! My hips hurts so much! Not to mention my ass! Kyle shooks his head and tried to help me but I sticked my tongue out and crawled to the bathroom before locking the door.

"IDIOTS!" My own voice shouted from inside the bathroom.

I took a quick shower though I make sure I clean up my whole body. Now I smell like melons; I smells like them! I applied as much soap as possible to make me smells like my usual scent again. Ugh!

I wrapped myself in my towel and walked in fast-pace to my bedroom (might fell down again if I tried running). I rolled my eyes when I see Keith decided to fall back asleep and Kyle is snooping around my phone, texting God-knows who.

"Guys! Go take a shower! Aren't we going to school?!"

"Nope", Kyle answered simply. "I've texted Gerry we won't be coming to school today".

"Seriously?!" I shouted. "We must go! I don't wanna be questioned be the guys!"

"No can do", Keith suddenly stated sleepily. "You can't even walk and stand properly. Well, that is to be expected though... Noah, you'll need to have more experience".

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now