Story 17

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Story 17: Brother Complexes are Irritating

"Ugh!" Theo dramatically groaned in disgusts. "Why do I have to sit in front of this guy?!"

And by 'this guy', of course he meant Luca. Because he also happens to be here, I tried giving him some food too, but he refuses because he already ate at school before. Somehow I manage to make him sat together too, though -- because Keith and Kyle are occupying and eating on the sofa.

The said dude, however, only throws daggers at my younger brother. Reminds me how much that they actually can't stand each other. Yea, they haven't realized it themselves, but they have quite some things in common and could've seemed close. Could have.

"Even if you're Noah's by-blood-brother, you're nothing like him at all! Seriously, an immature, aggressive, scatterbrained spoiled brat?!" Luca spat out. Theo growled and kicked Luca's feet from under the table. He muttered an ouch before kicking back. See? They're really close!

"Ah, you guys are just tsundere for each other" Kyle said aloud from where he sat.

"Haa?!" They both shouted in disgusts at the same time. Keith and I chuckled while Kyle could be seen snickering teasingly.

"Hey! If he was on fire and I had water, I would drink it!" Theo said in a mocking tune, his eyes directed at Luca. The brown-haired, however, clicked his tongue.

"Oh, dude, PUH-LEEZE! If YOU were on fire, I wouldn't even PISS on you!" Luca blurted out, imitating a spoiled, girly drama queen on his tone.

I know it was suppose to be an offensive insult, but I found myself laughing at how he said that exaggerated PUH-LEEZE (please). When he realized I was laughing, he laughed along. Meanwhile, Theo was so mad and jealous at our intimacy, he began hissing.

Oh crap. Noticing that he looks rather pissed and about to burst, I immediately patted and stroked his hair to calm him down. He smiled wide and leaned to the touch. I pulled my hand away because the twins shoots Theo a look of envy. I mouthed a sorry to the duo. Hey, it isn't my fault everyone in the room is so easily jealous!

We continued our meal with Luca and Theo avoiding each other's eye contact. Once I finish my meal, I walked back to the kitchen and put my dirty dishes away, then motioning for Luca to follow me to talk in private.

"What's up, you slut?" He greeted in a smirk, while I rolled my eyes. By 'slut', of course he is referring to my relationship with both Keith and Kyle which is obvious anyway.

"Uh, yeah, that", I mumbled aloud to him. I walked up to him and held both his shoulder, before staring right into his eyes. He blushed slightly and turned his head away. "D-Don't tell me you're going to cheat on them for me just because you guys are finally dat-"

"Sorry dude, but you're in my friendzone line", I cut him sharply with a straight tone and gave him a look of unamusement. "I don't know if you just got hurt by that but anyway -- me and them are suppose to be going on a date today, and since Theo is here, we're a bit afraid he, uh, might get in the way. So I need your help."

The date part is apparently a lie since we didn't even plan it before. This is just some plan that we came up with before so these two dense people will get some alone time.

He raised an eyebrow but from the looks of his expression I could tell he's already falling into the plan like humpty dumpty. "S-Sure but... What are you telling me to do?"

"I dunno. Distract Theo? Keep him off us, for what's obvious", I said with a shrug. Luca frowned and gave a disgusted look so I continued. "Please, Lulu! You would do it for a friend, right? I will be so happy if you want to help me out in my relationship".

Babysitting Homosexual Twins (Yaoi BoyxBoy) [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now