Story 13

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Story 13: Memories of Gerald

"What are we going to do? We lack out of people. It's an odd number", a voice I forgot who it was wondered. It was a really fuzzy memory in fourth grade, so why do I remember it now?

"And Arthur's not here today?! Dammit!" One of the guys groaned.

I looked around the big playground and spotted a red-headed drawing on the sand.

"What about him?" I pointed, "He's the new kid, right?"

"EEeehhhh?! Why? He sucks at sports! He's even worse than most of the girls in the class!"

"And he's such a weirdo! All he did all day is doodling"

"Come on, it's worth a try", I assured, spinning the ball for dodgeball with one of my finger but my attempt failed, which caused Brandon who was next to me chuckled teasingly. He then looked up at the orders.

"Just ask him. Maybe he's good at dodgeball" he stated in a calm tone. A voice I always adored.

"Even you, Brandon?!" One of the kids groaned. "Fine! But he's not going to be in my team!"

"Sure, he can be in mine", I announced, throwing the ball in the air and caught it myself. I held the ball and walked over to the kid.

"Hello", I greeted, crouching down besides him. "What are you drawing?"

"Spongebob", he said firmly without even glancing my way.

"That's a nice picture. You make a great artist", I told him, which is not a lie. The picture looks like an exact copy of it. "Gerald... Castro, isn't it?"

He looked up with his eyes widen. "You remember my name?"

I tilted my head, "That's not a crime, right?"

He looked down avoiding my gaze and blushed, "I-I'm just surprised someone actually... remembered. Thank you. What's yours?"

"Noah Eden" I said. "Gerald, do you want to play dodgeball together?"

"M-Me?" He gave me a weird look, "You wouldn't want me to-"

"Nahh, come on, let's go", I pulled him by the arm and another blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Hey guys! I got him to agree!" I called at the group. Brandon grinned at the new face.

"Hey! I'm Brandon. What's yours?" He rested his arm on my shoulder. Gerald somehow gave him a look of jealously. "Gerald Castro," he replied anyway.

"Okay! Enough chit-chat, let's go play!" One of the kid shouted.


"Hahahaha! That was awesome!" Brandon cheered, collapsing on the grass.

I sat beside him. "I know, right! Even though we lose, but still!" I laughed along with him.

Gerald put on an uneasy look before crouched to me. "I'm really sorry... Sorry for making your team loses..."

"That? Nahh, I don't mind it", I said giving him a soft pat on the head. He looked down and blushed. "It was just a game, after all", Brandon added.

"By the way..." I stroked Gerald's long, red bangs, "Don't you think it's a little disturbing having your bangs this long?". The latter shook his head while still looking down. It began to get on my nerves.

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