Chapter 20

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"So what exactly does the letter say? I mean you don't have to share with us but we are kinda your best friends." Piper and Jason gave Leo their best version of puppy dog eyes. He rolled his eyes before handing the letter over to Piper.
'Here, read it for yourselves.'

I have very much to tell you but I can't fit it all in this one note. Firebeard was a great man and everything he did was to protect us. When you find this letter I want you to go the the Golden Coast. Go to the first lighthouse you see and wait next to the lamp. I love you very much my love,

"Leo! Do you think this means..."
'I mean it sounds to me like...'
"You think my mom is still alive? Cos that's exactly what I was thinking! But why wait until now to tell me?"
'Well she says everything Firebeard did was to protect you. Was he the one who told you she died?'
"Uh... now that you mention it he was. And my mom had been acting all weird, trying to teach me as many things as she could like there was some kind of rush."
'Looks like there was! This is so great Leo, you're gonna get all your answers in a matter of days.'

"What does this last clue mean for us Captain? Will we no longer be needed aboard this ship and will we be taken back home?"
Reyna was standing with her arms folded in front of Nico with the rest of the crew of the SS Nyx behind her. 'Sailor Arellano, have I ever abandoned my crew before?'
"You have never had a reason to before Captain, but I think you may have one now."
Lavinia had stepped forward as she spoke so she could whisper in Nico's ear. "Personally I say go for it, if being with him would make you happy I would do it."
Nico blushed before taking a deep breath.
"Let us see this adventure all the way through, then we may decide what the future hold for us."

"If the captain were to stay here would you - I mean all of you - stay with him?"
Frank was nervously wringing his hands while he waited for Hazel's answer.
'He is our Captain, I find it difficult to think about abandoning him - "
Frank stopped wringing his hands together "- but I do miss home. And somebody would need to Captain our old ship."
Frank's shoulders fell as he thought about not seeing Hazel again.

California was growing ever larger on the horizon and the mood aboard the ship was a confused blur. Leo was excited to possibly see his mom again, Annabeth and Percy were glad to get a break from sailing, the crew of the SS Nyx were nervous that they might not get back home and the crew of the Ariel were sad that their new crew mates may leave.
"Land ho!"
Michael and Percy called from the helm.
'Frank help me lower the gangplank, the rest of you are free to do as you please. Meet back at the ship at nightfall!'

All Aboard!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora