Chapter 16

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"Captain, if I may be so bold, why did you not volunteer for the quest this time?"
'This treasure hunt is a little more personal than Leo expected and I did not want him to have to share more with me than he is comfortable with.'
"Would you say you feel differently about him than you do the rest of the crew?"
Hazel had an eyebrow raised while she looked Nico dead in the eye. Nico swallowed slowly before saying 'I feel differently about him than I have ever felt about anyone else. But I am the captain and I will not let my personal feelings get in the way of this quest. Now Hazel, are the crews getting along well?'
"Yes Captain, Frank suggested we let the crews get to know each other and that has eased some of the earlier tension."
'Sailor Zhang is a good leader then?' "Almost as good as you brother, he leads without commanding everybody around and they listen without question."
Nico smiled at the far away look in his sister's eyes.
'Why don't you take a break and join the others for breakfast? I can watch out for Leo and the rest'

"Why do you think Nico didn't wanna come with you this time?"
'He's the captain Jason, he can't just abandon the ship every 5 minutes. Piper will you slow down! What are you, part mountain goat?!'
Leo and Jason were climbing as quickly and carefully as they could but Piper was still miles ahead. "Hurry up slow pokes, maybe a little less chatting and a little more climbing?"
They continued to climb in silence until they reached the peak. A tall, young lady was standing next to the burning stuffed lion with a second one in her hands.
'Oh good you saw my message, I was worried I was going to be burning these long into the night.'
Leo and Jason were staring at the woman with awe when Piper blurted out "Mom??"
'What do you mean Mom? I thought you only knew your dad?'
Jason looked severely confused and Leo was gaping, looking between Piper and her mom.
"Sweety I would love to have a chat but first I have to say something to Leo. Go forth into the Silver Sea and when you see a dark cave in the middle of the night enter it. I think it will give you some of the answers you seek. Now boys you wait at the bottom of the cliff, I have something I'd like to discuss with my daughter."

'What do you know about Leo and his treasure hunt?'
"Now don't judge me, but Leo is my husband's love child from an affair, the same as you are one of mine. Michael is your brother, by the way, from a time long passed."
Piper looked at her mother opened mouthed but no words would form. "Since you're still silent I would like to ask a favour of you. Take care of Leo, he feels things too deeply and he will start to question everything. Remind him that he is worth being loved and that the love he has to give is worth much more than he thinks." '
Of course I'll look after Leo, I always have!'
"Good! Now run off back to your ship, you have many obstacles ahead but the destination will be worth it!"

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