Chapter 10

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"The crew of this ship may be more informal than the kinds we are used to but that is no reason for our crew to forget their place!"
Reyna was pacing up and down the deck ranting to Hazel.
'You must remain calm sailor Arellano. The crew here is fair enough and they follow orders well.'
"I never implied they were a bad crew, we however cannot slack in our duties."
Reyna had calmed down a little and ceased pacing. She stood in front of Hazel and sighed, "this time is a little strange, it has me a bit on edge. Sorry for raising my voice sailor Levesque." 'Maybe we should embrace some elements from this time in order to help the transition? Why not try calling me Hazel from now on?' "Perhaps another day, today has been stressful enough, but thank you for listening."

"Leo! Leo where are you damnit!?" Piper raced down to the kitchen hoping to catch Leo before he did something typically Leo.
'Calm down woman I'm right here!' Leo poked his head out the galley door and stared at Piper.
Her face was flushed and she looked as though she might burst from glee. 'Oh no, you've got that look on your face.'
"What look? There's no look. So, wanna tell me what happened earlier?"
'I did my morning yoga; made lunch; cleaned up after everbody, sloppy Joe's were maybe not the best idea and then you hollered for me.' "There's nothing else you maybe want to tell me?"
'Why don't you just tell me what I did?'
"Lee did you make a move on Nico or not?"
'W-what? Did N-Nico say something? Not that there's anything to say-' "Deep breaths. Jason told me he thinks he might have seen you guys holding hands. He wasn't sure though."
'Thank goodness, I was worried Nico might think I was taking advantage of him or something. He's not really big on physical contact. Anyway we were talking about our moms and I was about to reach out for him but instead he reached out to squeeze my hand. Do you think it meant something?'
"What happened after the hand squeezing?" Leo shrugged.
'Nothing. Jason came in and we jumped apart and then Nico went off to do captain things.'
Piper asked gently "did he rush out the room?"
'No he walked normally, I kinda kicked them out to hide my embarrassment but he did smile as he turned to walk away.'
"Well I'd say there might be hope for the two of you yet. Let me do some fishing and I'll get back to you on that."

The sun was just about to set, the sky lit up in beautiful shades of orange and light pink when he saw it. A strange glimpse of yellow in the middle of the ocean.
"Jackson, Kahale, do you see what I see?"
'How can we if we don't have your eyes?'
Michael elbowed Percy in the ribs before replying "it would appear to be a yellow dinghy captain. It looks unoccupied but how can this be?" 'That, gentlemen would be our first clue!'

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