Chapter 21

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"Nico, would you come with me?" Leo asked nervously.
'It would be my pleasure.'
They headed up to the lighthouse door and saw that it was unlocked. They climbed all the way to the top when Nico hesitated.
'You should have some privacy. I will wait for you right here."
He took Leo's hand and bowing low he kissed it. Leo flushed then took a deep breath and opened the door.

"It is such a pity that our time together has been so short. I would have liked to get to know you better fair Piper."
'It's really not fair that we're from different times! I feel like we would have gotten along really well Mike.'
Piper pulled Michael into a hug, he was shocked at first but with a nod from Jason he put his arms around her.

"Firebeard!? What are you doing here?"
'Hey Leo, long time no see. Congrats, you've found my greatest treasure.'
He stepped aside revealing a Latina women in her late 30s with long, curly hair dressed in overalls.
"Mamá? Is that really you?"
'Yes it's me Mijo, now come give your momma a big hug!'

Nico had climbed back down the stairs to the lighthouse platform where he saw a dejected looking Frank.
"Sailor Zha- I mean Frank. Why do you look so forlorn?"
'Oh hey Captain, it's nothing, just tired from the journey I guess.'
"Well I hope that is not the case for I have a proposition for you."
'What is it?'
"How would you like to command your own trading ship of hard working and well trained sailors?" 'C-com-command my own ship?'
"Yes, you come highly recommended by your second-in-command herself." 'My second-in-com... Do you mean Hazel?'
"She speaks greatly of you and I think my adventures in my time have come to a close."

'My wife was an extremely jealous woman and although she was having her own affair she had decided that if I couldn't be happy with her then I couldn't be happy at all. I loved you and your mother very much and I thought if I stayed away from you it would be enough but it wasn't. I had to save the both of you so I faked your mother's death and took you to sea with me so we would be difficult to find.'
Firebeard was watching Leo nervously.
"Why did you keep this all from me?" 'If I had told you your mother was alive you would have run off to find her and Vee might have hurt you.'
"So why are you telling me this now?" 'Vee finally agreed to let me be with you and your mother on the condition that we keep an eye on her children throughout the ages.'

When Leo came back to the ship everybody was standing around looking nervous.
"Nico could I have a word?"
Leo led Nico off to the side and took his hand.
"I know we just met and you're not even from this time but would you want to stay with us travelling through time and keeping an eye on things?"
'Leo I would love nothing more than to get to know you better in any time.' Nico leaned forward and pressed his lips to Leo's in a quick kiss.

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