44- YOU WHAT?!

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Okay, so I might have overreacted a little bit, but they should really butt out of my life, it's my life, which not theirs to meddle with.

Suddenly, Travis showed up, and I instantly threw a dagger at it, "Not today, mute freaks." of course my suspicion was right and it changed back into an imp as its life drained away.

After getting tired from my trek, I sat down on the body of a fallen tree. RIP.

I really hate being alone. Not because I'm co-dependent or anything, I just hate listening to my own thoughts. Literally, like yes brain I know I like him, yes I know I miss him already. Yes I know the fact that I spoke 1 sentence to him - which wasn't even a moderately nice statement - before him leaving for Irene knows how long is secretly tearing my apart, but I don't careeeee. Fuck offffff. Leave me aloneeee. I was so much happier without these feelings. Stupid fucking Travis and his stupid fucking persuasiveness, stupid fucking Garroth and his stupid fucking schemes.

Unexpectedly, Vylad silently approached me. I thought it was strange, considering I've barely thought about him for weeks, so I assumed he was another imp and threw my other dagger at him, impaling it's left shoulder.

To take another unexpected turn, he screamed and shouted, "WHAT THE HELL, Y/N?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!"

"Oh my Irene, I'm so sorry!" I apologised, "I thought you were an imp!"

"Obviously not!" he howled, attempting to remove the dagger, "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck I'm going to pass out, oh shit this hurts so fucking bad."

I tried to tell him to keep it in so he doesn't bleed to death, but he wouldn't listen to me. And to make it worse, I didn't have anything to bandage the wound. I left my bag in the tent and I was barely wearing any clothes anyway for me to rip.

I sighed at the only option I could think of: my top. Luckily, I was wearing a bra so it's not that bad. It just kinda sucks because that's my favourite one.

I ran him down to the two boys to help his wound. Garroth and I instantly laid him down while Travis ran to get a decent bandage after getting a nosebleed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, energised from adrenaline and extremely unimpressed. I hugged him out of worry, then punched his shoulder from anger.

"I came to see you, duh." he answered, which only just annoyed me more.

"After running off? You're so immature, what the shit did you do all this time?" I continued to interrogate, getting angrier and angrier by the second.

He didn't answer me.

"Do you know how worried I was about you?"

"Zane escaped from Phoenix Drop, but it wasn't because of the Shadow Knights. No one knows where he went." he avoided my question, which sent me off the rails and I walked off again into my tent, letting the other two deal with that mess.


Some time passed, but I couldn't say whether it was 10 minutes or two hours until Garroth fetched me. The sky looked like it was about 2pm.

I was totally zoned out for hours - like shit, who needs alcohol and drugs when you can just go into a trance for just as long.

I was in such a phase that I didn't know what I was doing. I wasn't even in my tent, I was in Garroths with my bag. I looked in my bag and all that was in there were... A knife and fork. Fucks sake. But that's not all, there was the scarf that Laurance gave me- wait, this is Laurance's tent. I'm sitting on his sleeping bag.

I screamed, chucked my bag away from me, and sprinted out of there, pushing passed Garroth and sitting back down next to the others.

I thought I went into my own tent, so why was I in his?

"You've been acting odd for a while, what's up?" Vylad asked.

I was shocked by the question, but I should've expected it since I have been acting weird. "I'm just in a funk, I guess."

I wasnt lying, I was in a funk. But, how would he know that I've been acting weird since I haven't spoke to him in months?

He sighed, wishing that he knew what to do. "Oh... Okay. Well, we don't have good news." He told me nervously.

"What's happened?" I reluctantly asked, maybe it wasn't better if I didn't know-

"Travisateallofthefood." he wheezed quickly, averting the attention away from him onto the now terrified Travis.



I had something to say here but it totally. Slippedd my mind lol oh well

Rip the 10-20 people that randomly decided to stop reading my story half way through and rip the 10 people that read my story and doesn't vote/comment. Either one is fine, it ain't difficult.

Rest assured, I will find you. And I will kill you.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now