3- I'll Miss You

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We brought the little girl back into Meteli, and despite Aphmau's begging to keep her, Cadenza told her she'd be perfectly fine here in Meteli.

"What on earth happened to your clothes!?" Cadenza cried, noticing my bloody, ripped up outfit. She's so dramatic. But thanks for worrying about me- well, the clothes I was wearing... I guess?

"It's Laurances fault!" I explained really fast to push the blame elsewhere. I'm not planning on dying today.

"Gee, thanks, n/n." he responded, obviously sarcastically.

"I never said you could call me that!" I spat, rolling up my sleeve and storming up to him before being distracted.

"Ew, ew!" Cadenza baffled out, bringing her hands to her eyes as if she saw a naked old man, "I told you not to tell me if-"

"-OH MY IRENE, Cadenza. Pack it in, he just killed a guy on top of me. That's all. Okay?"

She sighed in relief, "Again? Phew, okay. For a second I thought-" she stopped herself instantly, "Hey n/n?"


"I need to speak to you, can you come with me?"

"Umm sure," I answered wearily, "am I in trouble?"


"I think you should go with Aphmau."

"What? No!"

"Why not? You'd love it! "

"Bitch I love you. I'm your guard. I'm supposed to protect you." I got up and started to pase. Is she serious?!

"But you're almost 20 and haven't even left Meteli! You need to see the world and travel! You can always come to visit if you ever feel like you need to." she smiled sweetly, trying to not show how upset she was.

"This isn't fair! You're just ditching me? You cannot be serious!"

"But I am... Plus I'm almost curtain you've gotten round most guys here, you need some fresh meat." She giggled at her own, badly-structured, joke.

"Oh. My. Irene. You're literally dropping me like a piece of shit and all you and think about is me getting some fresh meat!? What's your deal? I can't leave you here!" I know she's just trying to lighten the mood, but this it not a good time. I started to tear up, so did she. Mood should not be lightened.

"I've already talked to Aphmau about it. You're going." she demanded sternly, as if she was my mom.

By this time I'm balling my eyes out, and I just hugged her, I wheezed out an 'I'll miss you' but it was barely audible.

She lost it too, I wouldn't be surprised if we opened the door and a gush of salty tears came tumbling out. She broke the embrace first, wiping away her snot and tears on a tissue. "I've made you clothes for your trips, I hope you'll like them."

I sigh, holding her shoulders and gazing into her eyes longingly, "I already love them."


While everyone was getting the boat ready, I gave C one last hug and we were practically strangling each other, "I love you so much." she let out,

"I love you too." I cried.

She handed me my bag and I headed onto the boat with everyone else, which had just finished saying their goodbyes as well.


"Gah! Who the fuck are you?" I asked while staring at a strange man with a bandage over his eyes on the ship.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now