20- I Know That's Difficult For You

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I stood there for a little while, gathering myself together. My memories are very foggy, but I'm sure they'll come back eventually... Hopefully.

I mean, they did for Vylad, right?

I looked around the room, it looks similar to mine. Is this his bedroom? Slowly opening the door, and retrieving a deep breath, I stepped out. And just like when I first woke up, I looked around, analysing everything new I come across.

I got a few looks from other Shadow Knight's every now and then. Don't really know why though, I know I'm new but I'm not some crazy psycho.

Then I saw Zenix. Being one of the only two people I know here, I obviously went to greet him. "Hey, Zen-" I interrupted myself as soon as I realised his anger-filled expression. "What's wrong?" are all Shadow Knight's this frustrated?

He looked at me, his eyes piercing through mine, "That bastard's back."

I returned a look, but my eyes full with confusion rather than rage. "I think you're forgetting that you're the only one I know here."

He grunted, grabbing my wrist and storming away towards some random dude. Their aura is 5x more devastating than any normal Shadow Knight, striking fear into any normal person. He has to be some sort of leader here, surely. He was stinking of everything negative; anger, frustration, even envy and sadness. In all honesty, I was a bit scared, so I stayed silent and kept looking at Zenix with the same confused expression. But my fear didn't stop him, in fact, he continued to mumble and stomp towards him. Is he not even a little bit intimidated?

"This dick did what Vylad did, but not without forgetting to beat me half to death." Wow, he really has no shame to just admit that so quickly.

"Then why's he back?"

"Beats me," (*no pun intended*) He let me go and grabbed the man's shoulder, swinging him around, "You have some real nerve coming back here-"

Zenix cut himself short as the mystery man gave him an terrifying, evil, look.

Zenix's rage has all disappeared and he had finally realised the terrifying waves excelling out of him. (Fruits basket, anyone?)

He choked on his own words, clearing his throat. "The Shadow King isn't going to be happy when he finds out you've come back. In fact, he probably already knows. This is worse than Vylad's situation."

The guy finally spoke, rubbing the back of his head, "Haha, yeah, sorry about that."

... What?

His tone is totally different to everything about him. His voice was charming and dreamy. But not his eyes. His aura. His body language and stance. Everything about him resbled a nasty fire - even his hair. It was like a light-brown-ginger... you know what I mean.


"Gah! Sorry!" I exclaimed in a panic to the strange voice, catching the attention of the two guys bickering like an old married couple. Now that I'm getting a good look, the strange boy actually looks quite familiar.

He clearly recognised me too because he hesitantly walked up to me, examining every inch of me. And I, getting a bit uncomfortable, took a step back.

I looked at Zenix. "Oh!" he began to speak for me, "that's our new recruit, y/n."

The man's eyes widened, like he recognised my name too, yet he was still squinting at me as if he couldn't place a finger on it.

Zenix seemed to of already adjusted to him being here, as his behaviour towards him had totally changed as if he was just another Shadow Knight. "It's her first day, try not to freak her out too much. I know that's difficult for you though, Laurance."

Laurance. Where do I know that name?


Guys I just wanted to you all for 300 reads, and for more people voting, I mean yeah it's only a few but it does put a smile on my face :)


I'm so obsessed with patchwork staccato rn but ventis CN va cover.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now