9- You Wouldn't Let Me Breathe!

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I woke up, but not by the table where my food was, in some small ass room with no breakfast. I sat up, "Where the fuck am I? I'm bloody starving." my stomach rumbled, making me picture food in my mind, which just made me angrier. I just sighed and flopped back down, my arms wide on both sides of me. This sucks, my magicks did me dirty. Wait no, Laurance did me dirty. That mother fucker-

"Ow!" a voice winced, I swear-

"Laurance?!" I screamed, "What. The. Hell. What's this, the fourth time now?" I jumped up, and the room started to rock. We're back on the boat. Brilliant. I missed breakfast.

"Ha, yeah I guess you better get used to it." He scratched the back of his neck. Holy mother of French fries. I turned a 180 angrily and then paced a little circle and turned back to him. He was innocently sat cross-legged on the bed, slunched over leaning on his hands.

"That's a single bed," I pointed out, "How'd you even fit on it without us overlapping and me noticing?" I took a deep breath, poor guy knows no limits, "How long was I out?"

"About 15 minutes. You held your breath for a long time, I'm kind on impressed on how long you lasted. You're really cute when you sleep though." He winked.

I pointed at him and took a step back in disbelief, "You have some real balls mate. I was unconscious you perv!"

"Please," he began, "You're just as bad as me, if not worse. I'm just a flirt, you're like some sexual predetor."

"Oh no you didn't. First of all, I am not a sexual predetor. And secondly, at least I don't watch people sleep and, oh I don't know, make them pass out!" I did some sassy hand gestures to add to my iconic retaliation.

He rose his hand to his heart, as if he was hurt, "I did not make you pass out, you're the one that refused to breathe!"

"You wouldn't let me breathe!"

"Well that's your problem. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to go back to guarding Lord Aphmau." He gets and walked towards the door, but I jogged in front of him and put my hand on his chest, stopping him.

"You cannot think you can watch me sleep, diss my ass and think that you have the right to storm out, no way, mm-nn." I hummed as a no then stormed out first, looking down to cover my smile - he's just like his sister. It's sort of comforting.

Processing what had just happened, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into white haired boy. "Travis!? You're here? I thought you would've stayed on the island with the Demon Warlock."

"Don't get too excited," He smirked, "Aph convinced me to go with her, and I mean with a sexy lady like Katelyn with her, who could refuse?"

I punched his arm, "I love how I'm such a big part of your life, it's almost like you're coming just for me. Hey, where are we going anyway? Seems like I'm the last to know everything around here." It's such a curse to be everyone's first choice.

He gave me a weird look like he couldn't tell if I was being serious or not, "We're going to Phoenix Drop to give back Dmitri and Nekoette, and Aphmau said we can catch up with everyone and, in our case, meet everyone."

Oh yeah, I forgot about the kids. I thought we might've just thrown them overboard and moved on with our lives.

"She told me we're going to look for a capital for the Phoenix Alliance afterwards." Travis continues, "The Lord of Phoenix drop offered to give us essentials for our travels and Vylad - whoever that is - decided to stay and get it sorted for us when we got back. Aparently he's usually doing his own thing but he insisted. Aphmau has been telling me about everyone and they all seem so nice."

That was a VERY long explanation, that I wasn't expecting.  A simple 'were going back to Phoenix Drop' would've done the trick. "A capital? That's cool." I wonder what everyone is like at Phoenix Drop, if it's anything like Meteli, I bet it's really fun.

Hold on a minute,



I literally just spent all day sorting out my wardrobe. Wow.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|Where stories live. Discover now