19- Am I In Hell?

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I woke up in some rock hard bed. I thought I was dead? What's going on?

The room wasn't too spacious - it was pretty basic honesty. Everywhere I looked I was surrounded by some red tinge. Even the walls were a maroon-ish colour, wait, is this netherack? Am I in hell?

I exited the room and began to look around, examining every new thing I come across. Red. Red... more red.

Suddenly, a voice come up from behind me. "Oh, you're awake!" It spoke in a kind tone, yet still being mildly intimidating.

I turned around to see who it was. Some tanned guy with dark brown hair and eyes. Low key hot, I'm not going to lie.

"Who are you?" I asked, "Where am I?"

"I'm Zenix, and if it isn't obvious enough, you're a Shadow Knight. I decided to bring you back even though Sasha kept telling me it was a bad idea. Clearly I didn't listen to her. Who in their right mind could've let a cutie like you die a miserable death?" he winked.

"All worth it to meet a hottie like you," I smirked back. I don't have a single blues clue what's going on, but I guess I'll just roll with it.

Zenix just kept talking jibberish about Irene knows what for a couple minutes until some guy walked passed us. Unlike him, this one's familiar.

"Who's that?" I asked curiously. He sighed, looking a bit disappointed in the change of subject.

"Oh, that's Vylad. He's a bit of a wild card when it comes to loyalty. The first year he was with us he was practically the ideal Shadow Knight. Always up for anything. But this past year, he decided that this life wasn't for him until he randomly decided to come crawling back about a month or two ago. The boy is crazy so I wouldn't recommend you hang around him, but I should probably introduce everyone to you anyway." he informed, turning towards Vylad... Where do I know that name? "Hey, Vylad! Come here, we've got a new recruit. "

Vylad turned around and his face instantly dropped.

"Hi!" I smiled, putting out my hand to greet him.

He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me along the corridor. This isn't how you shake hands, but okay. I turned around to see a confused Zenix and mouthed 'Sorry'.

He chucked me into an empty room. "What do you think you're do-" before I get a chance to finish my sentence, he wraps me in a tight hug.

Who is this crazy mother-

He broke our embrace for a moment to look at my frozen, stunned, confused face for a moment and gazing into my eyes.

OH! VYLAD! The fucking idiot that ran off for who knows why. He's a pillock for coming back here, why did he just disappear like that though?

"So, this is the Nether." I stated. It's actually not as bad as you'd expect it to be here. But is is hot, just as um... Who told me it was hot?

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I looked at him surprised, he wasn't like this a month ago. I gave him a complexed look, "Not dying? What the fuck are you doing here!?"

He looked away from me, avoiding the question, "We've got to get you out of here. Get you back to him and everyone else."

Him? Everyone else? Who is he talking about?

"Are you fucking crazy? I'm not leaving you behind. I can't believe you just ran off like that; you nearly gave me a heart attack! If you're here, I don't want to leave! Besides, it actually not too bad here. Well I mean, from what I've seen so far."

He rolled his eyes, "Obviously! They need as many people as they can get! Why else do you think they would've let me come back and allow you to be corrupted into a shadow night despite both of our pasts? But fine, if you die, or turn into a currupt div like Zenix or those other mindless bastards, don't say I didn't warn you."

"I already died, asshole, how worse could it get?"

"Trust me, it can get a lot worse." he paused for a moment and glared at me, while I glared back. Being stubborn, he stormed out angrily and I followed, unsure on what's going on or where I am.

"Why are so such a sensitive little cunt? You wont tell me anything! Why did you leave me? Why won't you let me stay here with you?!"

"That's not what's going on here. Shadow Knights can't show their emotions, you do that and you'll instantly get targeted. If you're not going to listen to me, I can't help you. That's how life works." not showing emotions my ass, he's showing plenty of emotion for me.

"But isn't this death?" I questioned, being the smart ass I am.

-It Do Be Like that Sometimes-     |Laurance x reader|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن