"That's a lot!"

The two boys passed the time by teasing each other and talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Beomgyu helped Kai forget about Soobin for awhile. He's really happy to have a guy like him as his best friend. Their eighteen minute walk felt like five minutes because of him. Before they knew it they were standing in front of the medicine shop.

Kai's list was a lot smaller than Beomgyu's so he gathered everything pretty quickly. Once he checked out he offered to help Beomgyu look for his things, but the older declined. He said he needs to learn where everything is himself. Kai laughed at the older and told him he would wait outside. 

He sat on the one bench that was placed outside of the medicine shop, "He better be quick."

Kai hated this side of town. 

It made him uncomfortable. 

A lot of the businesses around here seemed sketchy. Kai was even wary about the shop they went to sometimes. There's graffiti on the walls both inside and out and the medicine shop wasn't the only one covered in paint. 

There's also nobody around. Ever. It's like this place is deserted which is strange because all of the buildings around here were open, well except one. 

Directly across from the medicine shop was an abandoned three story building. 

That building gave him the heebie jeebies. Just looking at it made him feel unsettled. He wasn't sure why but whenever his gut tells him something, it's usually right. 

Kai just stared at the building when suddenly two figures walking across the street caught his attention. 

There's never people here.

Wait a minute.

That's Soobin and Yeonjun.

Kai quickly stood up and made his way over to the edge of the sidewalk, "He's okay."

Kai felt a bit more at ease knowing Soobin was okay but his relief quickly grew into confusion as he watched the two boys enter the abandoned building. 

"What are they doing in there?"

Kai suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, making the boy jump. Kai turned to look at a snickering Beomgyu and hissed, "You scared me!"

"I didn't mean to," Beomgyu couldn't stop laughing and Kai pouted. 

"It's not funny!"

Beomgyu wiped away at the tears that began to form, "Just a little bit." After Beomgyu had calmed down he offered to buy Kai some ice cream to make up for scaring him. Kai happily agreed and they made their way down to the ice cream shop.


"Who is that?" Taehyun glared at the boy sitting on a bench that was located on the other side of the street. Taehyun was bored and decided to look out of the window from the third floor when he suddenly noticed someone across the street who seemed to be staring back. "I said who is that?" Taheyun snapped his attention to Minho who wasn't paying him any mind. "Minho!"

Minho sighed and lightly pushed Taehyun aside so he could look out of the window, "I can't make out his face from here."

"Neither could I."

"Oh well," Minho shrugged before turning to leave.

"Oh well?" Taehyun grabbed Minho's arm, "This isn't just an 'oh well' situation! That guy was staring at us! Do you not understand what that means?"

My Antidote - Soobin x HueningKaiWhere stories live. Discover now