A Switch In My Heart It Should Be For 'Reset'. - Chapter 1

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Wendy tries hard. That's just the kind of person she is.

She wants perfection whenever possible. She takes good care of herself and always has the best work ethics.

When she sets her mind on something, she will do everything in her power to make sure she not only finishes it but finishes it well.

It doesn't only apply to school, work or hobbies but also relationships.

When friends begin to complain about missing her during a hectic period in her life, she will make time for them. Sometimes it will cut her weekend short because instead of resting, she will be going around from appointment to appointment to catch up with everyone who asks for her time.

During those moments, she relies on caffeine or red bull.

She doesn't mind doing all that. She can always go to bed early after work or survive until the next weekend when she would just stay home to recover - or so she reasons.

She loves her life. She's happy.

But if she were to change one thing, it would be her neighbor across the hall.

Bae Irene is her name. She's the same age but Wendy rarely sees her.

Unlike Wendy, Irene is a lot more relaxed.

She has no problem doing her laundry only when she has to. She tends to forget her trash bags out in the hall - which irks Wendy to no end. She doesn't spend that much time coordinating her outfit. She prefers things the comfortable way.

They went to the same college actually. Different majors but they had seen each other around campus a few times and even shared a few mutual friends.

Wendy first saw Irene at the yearly festival where the short girl belted out a ballad that shot her to instant campus fame.

Irene first saw Wendy strutting down the runway of a charity fashion show the design faculty organized. She remembered drooling for the first time since she graduated kindergarten.

They never got acquainted though.

Then five years after graduation, they became neighbors by pure coincidence.

Add another three years and one is now a well-known songwriter and vocal teacher while the other well on her way to the top of the fashion world.

Nothing changes in their non-existent relationship though. They aren't even friends.

Irene considers Wendy out of her league and too high maintenance.

Wendy considers Irene too laid-back and timid.

On one Monday morning, Irene is about to leave her apartment for a meeting when she notices the newspaper in front of Wendy's door.

She frowns.

The ahjumma down the hall always wakes up very early to give everyone on their floor their newspapers.

She doesn't subscribe to one but Wendy does, for some strange reason. And Irene knows that that ahjumma really likes Wendy. There's no way that Wendy wouldn't greet the woman herself and chitchat noisily for at least five minutes like she does everyday.

Irene shrugs.

She's not one to be nosy so she figures maybe Wendy's out of town or has decided to sleep in.

She's about to walk away when she hears clicks and sees the door slowly opening.

Wendy steps out wearing her pajamas and fluffy blue slippers. Her hair is a mess and her nose is red and dripping. Her eyes are swollen and although hidden behind the black frames of the plastic glasses, Irene can see the crusts.

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