26. See you soon, dear Husband!

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Laying down on the bed, my eyes were dropping to death, but I didn't close them. Why? Because she may give up on us, I won't.

Wasn't it difficult for her to walk away from the feeling of love, that is so strong between us!?
Will my efforts be even worth it in the end!? All my senses were yelling at me to destroy the world, for the grief I was feeling. But I hate that I can't be as ignorant for us, as she is.

Did she even think of me once!?

I have been yelling since that day, that the child is not mine. But she never trusted me! If she would have done, she would have not abandoned me like this.

The sun was already setting down and it was time for me to leave.
I stood up and tidied up myself as best as I could.  It is no more just to save my relationship, it is to prove to everyone that I am being punished for something I have not done! And I will hate the world for this till my last breath.

I came out of my quarters for the first time today and heard the buzz on the other side.
Curiousity got the best of me and thus, I left to see what it is.

As I neared there, I found the famous 'bitch' of our story standing and arguing with the guards outside Bella's quarters.
Darius was standing behind her, looking pissed.

"What's going on here!?"

Everyone turned to me.

"Ah_Mahir! As queen ordered...I am here to take my quarters. But these guards are not letting me in.", She said excitedly.

"We apologize dear king, but the place where our queen lived is sacred and we refuse to abide by this particular order of the queen! We have another quarters prepared for Duchess Elena. This must not be touched.", I would say the guards needs an applaud for his courage.

I looked at her uninterested, "So what's the problem here!?"


I interrupted, "Your majesty!"

"Your majesty!", She was baffled, "I don't know how these guards can disregard the queen's order!"

I rose my eyebrow at her, "Oh! Like you disregard mine Dutchess Elena! You were not allowed to enter this castle. In any premises, that I live in. Did you already forget that!?"
Ofcourse she did.



"No!! It is my right...."

My glare shut her up, "It is not your right to drool after the things that my wife owns!! Be it me, be it her quarters, be it her title, or be it the floor she walked on!"

"I am pregnant with your child!", She had the audacity to say it again.

It didn't take me a second thought, to wrap my hand around her throat and push her back till her back hits the wall.

"You snatched her from me! I will kill you with my own hands!", All I saw was red. This child has made me pay already a great deal. And I wasn't ready to endure more! Let the title of a king go! But I want this woman dead.

I felt hands trying to stop me, but I was as angry as I have never been. How can I let such a worthless woman destroy me!? I am king for god sake! She managed to destroy my relationship with Bella to such an extent that she walked away without thinking how I will spend my days without seeing her!

"No No Dear king! You can't do this!", Darius tried to hold me back, while the bitch's eyes were turning red.

Darius tried his best to come between us, but right at this moment, I wouldn't hesitate to hit him if he comes in my way.

THE VIOLENT PEACE OF LOVEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu