17. I don't want the world

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As we sat on the throne chairs, people cheered out of happiness. Probably, seeing their future king and queen was a moment for them to cherish.

The first one to come forward was King Roshan.
"Bless you both my children. I wish you both a prosperous life ahead. Together."
He handed us both a box, "This is my blessing for you both."

We opened the box, and there were two beautiful pieces of jewellery. One, the longer and more bulky one, for me. While the shorter, and lighter for him.
He made both of us wear it and left as we bowed before him.

Next, came Father.
"As much as I hate to admit, Mahir, My most precious possession is yours. Yet, I will give you both something that is close to my heart. Or I should say closer to your mother's heart."

Father signalled a guard and he brought forward a painting. I tried to make out what painting it is but failed. I have never seen this in the Jonathan castle.
Father removed the cloth covering it, and revealed a picture of a baby girl, who must be not more than one, sitting on a throne chair.
She had golden brown curls, and wore a beautiful red coloured gown.
That was not all. Beside her was a little boy, probably year older than her, standing and smiling at the girl, giving her a toy duck. He too was dressed in a royal attire.
The girl was looking at the duck, completely oblivious to the presence of her little admirer.

"This is Bela and this is me.", Mahir pointed to the ones in painting and that's when realisation dawned upon me.
This was our childhood picture!

Mahir held the painting in his hands, "God! This is so beautiful! Thank you so much Uncle!"
He eyed the picture with awe, while I was eyeing him.

The situation was reversed now.
His eyes are filled with so much love. His 'I love you' reverberating in my head.

You indeed love me.

"Your mothers got this portrait when Bella just learned to sit, while you were a little above two."
His eyes shined, as he eyed the portrait.

"Bless you both!", With that father left. He gave the portrait to Tyler giving him directions and then turned to me, "You were such a cutie!", And guess what the guy pinched my nose.

I rolled my eyes but a smile was making its way on my lips.

Andrew came forward with Bella and little Marcus, in his hands.
He slapped on Mahir's head, "Finally you are hitched!"
Emily came forward and hugged me, "Bless you both for your life ahead."

Our royal priest came forward, "Your majesty!", He said to Andrew, "It is our good fortune to have you here with the little Prince. And the fact that he is just born is a blessing. This wedding of our future king and queen will become more meaningful if you hand them your child. And bless them to have one of his kind in the near future."

"Of course!", Andrew chimed and forwarded Marcus to me.
Smilingly I took him in my arms, and I swear the kid has become more adorable.
Adorned with royal jewels, and a red robe on his little body, he didn't look any less than the former prince beside me.

The priest chanted few things and then Marcus or as Mahir called him, Marco was given back to his parents.

The ritual continued endlessly as there were thousands of people to bless us. Not just from our kingdoms, but our neighbouring countries also.

"You alright Bella!?", I heard him and hummed in reply.
He took my hand in his slowly as it rested between us, "It must be getting tiring for you? No?"
"It is. But I have to become a queen. And a wife to the king himself. I can't just sit back and cry about getting tired."
He chuckled, and then looked at me again, "You know that's what makes me fall for you over and over. You're nothing like a the meek women I have met my whole life. You are a refreshing vibe in my life. I love you."

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