42. "Don't show me your ugly face!"

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"...kicked today but you being the ruthless heartless trench would lie there like it doesn't bother you! I hate you Mahir...and if you keep lying like this for more time, I promise to kill you with my own sword."

Her words become apparent after so many failed attempts.

I feel some steps beside me and then the steps distancing. A part of me wanted to stop her but my body refused to co-operate with me.

I could feel some light breeze in the room, and also became aware of the fact that my top was bare under the thin sheet covering me.

A traitor. A traitor almost brought me to my death bed. But I am no ordinary king. A single stab can't kill me. Not now. Not ever.

I used my strength to force open my eyes, and this time, to my surprise, my eyes did open.

I took my time to feel my body, and moved my fingers and toes to de-numb it. Looks like I've been here for years.

Once I manage to move my head a little, my eyes notice the familiar surroundings of the tree house I owned in the forests.

"Ugh..", I swear I heard her, but she was nowhere near.

I remember I was in the battlefield. She was not supposed to be near. But then how did I end up here. Amidst the serenity when the last I remember was bloodshed.

"Bella?", I called but only silence engulfed me back.

My back was aching when I tried to sit up, and I ended up ignoring the pain that shot through my right shoulder. God help me but this hurt like a bitch!

Rigorous effort finally led me to standing up. I swear it was easier to stand up for the first time as a baby.

My eyes fell on the mirror on one wall, and I walked to that, only to meet a man unfamiliar from my own self.

My beard was grown, and eyes looked hollow. My shoulder had a nasty mark that I remember was the reason I was led here. If the old me saw this man in the mirror, he would probably throw a nasty rock to break that piece of glass. I loved looking handsome and attracting attention. But this man would not grab a dog's attention except may be my wife, who happens to be somewhere here.

I heard her. She's been sounding really angry. Specially this morning.

I look around trying to find traces of her. Her dagger was sitting near my head, and I went forward to pick it up. She's probably roaming around without protection.

I left the treehouse, difficult for me to climb down but the thought that this woman of mine was deprived of protection made me forget all my pain.


I heard no voice in return and that tensed me up.

I was restless and so I couldn't feel her. I decided to take a deep breath and calm myself.

And so seconds later, I felt cold like water was around me.

Understanding, I went ahead in the direction of the lake near the treehouse. And as I came nearer, the sound of splashing water hit me.

Sure enough, my wife was in the water, drowned it it upto her breasts and rubbing her hands furiously. This girl would bruise herself in anger.

I took slow steps to reach the end of the lake and slowly got down behind her. My furious butterfly was so enraged that she did not notice me getting behind her.

A smile formed on my lips when she gasped as my arms held her shoulders, "Calm down my love!".

My whisper made her visibly shiver but she stayed stiff.

THE VIOLENT PEACE OF LOVETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang