44. What did I do to deserve her!?

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He sat on his high chair, intimidating everyone in the room, which included me, Darius, Alexis and Tyler. His jaw was clenched and he was clearly displeased with what happened in the courtroom. I tried to look unaffected but ofcourse I couldn't because he was after all the king.

"What is it Darius?", His voice was not at all friendly or calm. And he knew it.

Darius was stiff in his place, "My kin..."

"You are talking to your brother.", his voice cut through the environment of the room and Darius' words halted.

He stiffly nodded, and unclasped his hands from his back.

"I_ I tried my best to not compromise with my loyalty towards the kingdom and you..."

"Yeah...you didn't. You just fell in love with the target."

Alexis shook her in disbelief at that, "I don't get this. Was she the only woman left in earth for the ice king to fall for??"

I kept my lips shut as I witnessed the two bullying Darius.

"Yeah! Like there are so many beautiful women in the whole world. I would have announced your potential and you would have gotten the best wife..."

"Shut up both of you..!", I knew I had to step forward.

The two looked at me caught off guard and Darius looked overwhelmed.

I went forward and stood beside Darius.

"First of all, you both are not letting him speak. Secondly, we can't control who we love!"

Mahir rolled his eyes, "Oh we definitely can! She was the last woman to love.."

I chuckled, "look who's talking! Didn't you claim about an year ago how you loved her.", I pointed my finger at him pining him with a glare.

"...also it was so hard for Darius to put evidences against her in the court, but he did it. And it is because he loved you and the kingdom more. That doesn't mean you both get to ridicule his choice."

Mahir sighed, "I am not ridiculing his ridiculous choice..."

Alexis nodded, "Sister in law, that woman wants to entrust the responsibility of her kid with Darius. It is so big. She's clearly locking her future for ever."

"She's not. She's a mother. She's trying to only safeguard her child. And she thinks that her child will be safe with Darius. Yes, this is a huge responsibility but you can't bully him for that."

Silence followed then. Both Alexis and Mahir were huffing trying to control their anger. And pinned them both with a glare to keep them in place.

When the silence prevailed for a few moments, and Darius seemed to have slightly loosen up, I began, "Darius was with her all day and night. We get attached with people. Problem was when he let that attachment interfere with his duty, but he didn't."

"What about his heart Bella?", Mahir stood up from his place, and came before me, "...he put his heart on line for a woman who doesn't deserve it. I am sure he must be hating me in his heart for giving her life imprisonment."

Before I could say anything to that, Darius spoke up, "..Brother..I knew her fate before hand. She got what she deserved and I can never hate you for being the king you are..."

"But what about you...??", Alexis asked exasperated. I've never seen her so tensed.

He sighed, "Nothing about me. I'd be fine. I want to adopt her child. Not for anything but for the sake of humanity. But ofcourse, I can only proceed in that direction if you all approve."

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