43. I rule over you.

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I could tell the palanquin behind my horse intrigued people. Because according to them, the queen was already in the kingdom. My father himself went to recieve us as soon as he heard the news of my waking up. It took me three more days to get back into my shape. And even Andrew and Emily decided to visit us. Tomorrow there will be a huge feast on the celebration of us wining over the Ravens and me waking up after months.

I gave up when she refused to come in the palanquin but when father asked her, keeping in mind her current condition, she begrudgingly gave up. According to her, sitting on palanquin was a waste of her strength.

I also took over my duty of taking care of her because she had grown immensely weak. Something which we had a huge argument for, and ofcourse again I had to beg for mercy.

I greeted the people of my kingdom who hailed my name. Our procession was taken in the castle, and I signalled everybody to provide us privacy. As soon as everybody left, I went to fetch my wife, who came out with a frown on her face. She's being moody these days, no guards around her. Father says it is common in case of pregnancy. And it is my duty to bear her mood changes.

I brought her closer and hugged her, "It is fine my dear...I promise this is the last time you have to sit in a palanquin."

She sighed and nodded.

"Your son is hungry..."

"Yeah...let me feed my daughter..", I knew I was playing with fire. But a daughter is my most profound desire. How beautiful it is to have a fierce wife and then a fierce daughter. Both ruling over me as I rule a set of kingdoms.

I clapped my hand and the bell outside the door rang indicating the presence of an attendee.

"Serve the food upstairs."


Bella's conscious smiled wide as soon as she spotted at the entrance of our bedroom. I myself was ecstatic seeing her. She has been a part of me for so long and parting her away from me definitely hurt me alot. I must have taken two steps towards her when my wife went forward almost tackling me.

"Are you good?!?", the two questioned in unison and then hugged each other.

What in the world?!?

Aren't these two almost ready to slash each other when I left. What is all this unity suddenly?

"I am good...the baby is fine."

"I felt a kick the other day.."

Bella nodded, "Yes, he's kicking these days. Its painful but so good."

The conscious smiled and rubbed her hand on Bella's womb, "He's grown up so beautifully."

Bella chuckled, "He's giving a hard time."

I had few things to note here. These two became friends. These two are completely ignoring me. And these two agree on my child being a boy! Unfortunate!

"I am also here..."

Her conscious looked at me over Bella's shoulder, "I am not talking to you. You almost died. You failure!"

My mouth went wide open at that. They were treating me like I went to commit suicide. I had heard a lecture yesterday about how I did not care about the security protocol. I think I'll get one more today.

"Is everything okay here?", Bella asked her.

"Everything's good if you forget about the two attempts to kill us."

"What?!", My shock knew no bounds and so was Bella.

I went forward and examined her. She was a conscious. She can't die but two attempts to kill is not a joke.

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