45.Calm down my dear monster

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Bella fell asleep and I was here sitting in front of the door with a special table and chair alloted for me. I let Darius in today, because I needed his help. And I couldn't leave Bella alone. She would have been paranoid and alert while sleeping.

"Here...I've jotted down all the names who could be potential threat to the baby and the queen.", he handed me the scroll and I decided to take a look at it.

"...I've not added certain names because I need you to give your opinion on that.."

I nodded, "What are those names?"


I looked up to see Darius who sat across me after much insistence. Tyler is my most trusted man, and though we decided not to trust anyone but there's something about him that doesn't make me doubt him.

I shook my head, "If he was untrustworthy, you would have never found out about Elena. He knew about you both since the very start."

He nodded, "Yes. He had many chances to mess it up if he wanted to."

"Exactly. He's out of the doubt list."

With that, we wrote names of about a hundred and forty people. The ones who visit this fort daily. The cooks, the maids, the cleaners, the gardeners all.

"I've asked Abram to find Achilles as soon as possible."

"What about Achilles' family?", he asked.

I shrugged, "He came as a part of service  trade conducted between kingdoms, from far south. I do not know much about him though on a personal level. He was a prime minister but practically powerless because I am the concentration of power in the kingdom."

"I think I should go personally to the kingdom with which we conducted the trade. Only they can provide us the background information about him."

I nodded, "Fine but you are taking guards with you. You are now recognised so you will have to live life a different way."

He gave me a tight lipped smile and got back to the work. I swear it will take him a lot more than just time to get used to all this. Alexis too refused the royal chambers I offered her. Both brother and sister live in a small house near the bazaars and they wouldn't have it any other way. Although now I need to keep in mind their security too because just the title of royal attracts enemies like magnets.

I sat comfortably reading the daily directory of who came in the castle and who left. It is now about six days since us coming back, but no poisonous food has been sent to Bella. May be because I was here too now, and they know I would create a ruckus, even if one of the horses from the stable dies.

I looked at Darius and decided to ask him something.

"Darius? You met Rewa?"

He looked up, a little embarrassed, "I did."

I chuckled leaning forward, "Tell me honestly, like you'd do to your brother, how is she?"

He shifted a little in his place, keeping the scrolls on the table.

"She's good...I mean kind and gentle. I told her about April. She did not say anything about it."

"Is it? You told her you had something with April's mother. Didn't you?"

He sighed, "I only did not want to begin anything without transparency. She knows."

I shrugged, "That is good. We'll see what she replies. But don't fret too much. You'll have many proposals in future."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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