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•sadie pov•

"guys we aren't dating! it was a friendly hangout!" i laughed, laying on mike's bed.

vic, mike, and bev were all interrogating me about andy and i's outing and they won't let me be until i confess it was a date. but it wasn't a date.

"i'll take to andy about it then," vic huffed.

"okay. he's gonna say the same thing about it being a friendly hangout. we are friends," i said slowly.

"i believe her," bev said.

"thank you," i huffed.

"yeah it makes sense to me man, you just need to chill," mike shrugged.

"thank you!!" i beamed, throwing my arms up.

"you guys suck," vic said, walking out.

"so, what're you guys doing tomorrow?" mike asked.

"we're going to his place. i'm meeting his dog and cat and i think we're gonna watch movies," i said.

they shared a look.

"vic!" they called at the same time.

"this is definitely a date," they all said.

"oh for the love of god. we just met! i mean we talked while he was on tour but it wasn't constant since he was busy," i said.

"sadie. i love you. but you offered to write him a song," bev said.

"you haven't offered to write us songs before. we've literally had to beg you. for months might i add," mike said.

i sat there speechless.

"hah!" vic pointed.

"i'm just scared," i mumbled.

"why's scared babe?" bev asked.

"well with noah, he was just so scary. he really scarred me and you all obviously know that. and i'm trying so hard to get over it and get better. i don't want to rush into this one. i really like hanging out with him and i don't wanna fuck up like i did with noah," i said.

"you didn't fuck up with noah. sadie, you were a victim of abuse. he was awful to you. we won't let that happen. we tried to save you too late into the relationship. mike and vic know andy personally and will know he won't hurt you. we've got your back," bev said, holding my hand.

"thank you," i smiled softly, tears filling my eyes.

"don't cry. come here," mike said, pulling me into his arms.

"i feel so stupid," i cried.

"why?" mike asked softly, rubbing my back.

"because i fell in love with that dirt bag and now i'm scared to do anything. i like andy. but with all these past experiences i'm so terrified," i cried into mike's shoulder.

"andy's been through some shit too sadie. he won't be like noah. he isn't noah. you're safe with him, i know you are. like bev said, we're gonna be here for you from the beginning for this one. we've got you," he said.

"i love you guys," i sniffled, wiping my tears.

"we love you too sunshine," vic smiled.

"hi andy," i smiled, putting my phone on speaker, immediately accepting the phone call.

"hey," andy said.

"what, you miss me already?" i joked.

"i mean duh that's a given. i like talking to you," he said and my heart exploded into a million butterflies.

"i like talking to you too. i'm really excited for tomorrow," i said, strumming my acoustic guitar lightly.

"i'm excited too. are you writing?" he asked.

"kind of, i've had some words stuck in my head and i'm trying to put them into a song but i don't know yet. you wanna hear?" i asked.

"of course i do," he said excitedly.

"alright. i plan on making this part of the chorus," i said

"...i keep diggin myself down deeper i won't stop till i get where you are, i keep running when both my feet hurt i won't stop till i get where you are,"

"oh, when you go, down all your darkest roads i would have followed all the way to the graveyard,"

"yeah that's it so far," i said.

"that sounds really beautiful. i loved the runs on the 'are's. can i ask what it's about?" he asked.

"yeah of course. i like explaining my music. this one is about me following my ex so closely and how infatuated i was that i would've followed him to death. he was just so toxic and i couldn't even notice all the red flags with how fast we were going you know? like you're just driving so fast you don't see them and then finally, bam you hit a brick wall and there's no survivors," i said.

"but there was one survivor. you," he said.

"i guess. it felt like i wasn't gonna make it, but i think i'll be alright. i'm doing really well and i'm happy," i said with a small smile.

"i'm happy for you sadie," he said back.

"thank you," i said.

he let out a yawn which caused me to giggle.

"i think you should go to sleep," i said.

"yeah but then i can't talk to you," he whined.

"you'll see me tomorrow don't you worry. get some sleep andy," i said softly.

"alright. goodnight sadie," he said, laced with sleep.

"goodnight andy," i smiled.

"prince, what am i gonna do?" i asked him.

he licked my nose in response.

"yeah, if only it was that easy. i don't wanna rush this but good lord i want to kiss him," i sighed.

prince started licking my face making me laugh.

"alright boy, let's go to bed yeah?" i laughed.


sadiehouston: i wanted to get a picture with prince but he was too busy :(

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sadiehouston: i wanted to get a picture with prince but he was too busy :(

username1: um hello pretty girl let us see you

username2: go live and play us music!

andybvb: you took this while you were on the phone with me didn't you?
sadiehouston: andybvb also YOU SHOULD BE ASLEEP LIKE I TOLD YOU MISTER !!!!

username3: idk what's going on with her and andy but she seems so happy and i'm here for it

a/n: how about a few chapters for you does that sound okay?

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