Chapter 20 ❅

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Minho's eyes widened as he felt Jisung's arms wrapped around his

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Minho's eyes widened as he felt Jisung's arms wrapped around his.

"I was hand picked by him so fuck off.."

Jisung said his face showing a tint of scarlet.
Jisung doesn't know why the hell he was doing this, but seeing the girl being all snobby and clingy to Minho just pisses him off.

I mean he was just trying to help out his friend..right?

"You son of a bitch! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" The woman shouted as she shoved Jisung to the side.

Jisung fell on the ground and was just about to stand up when he felt his ankle aching. "Fucc I sprained it." He cursed.

The girl was mad, like mad as in, insane. She was crazy. She took her high heels off and stomped her way to Jisung who was trying his best getting up.

She raised her heel to the top of her head indicating the action that she was about to do.

Jisung saw this and wrapped his hands around his head to protect it while he shut his eyes close as he prepares the impact that he will be receiving.

He waited..

But there was nothing.

He looked up to see Minho gripping the wrist of the woman.

"Let me go!" she shouted as she struggled to get out of the grip.

Minho let go of the woman's wrist and went straight to Jisung to help him.

"Hey, you okay?"

"uh- uh yeah.."

"Here let me help you." Minho said pulling Jisung's arm around his neck to support him. Although Jisung struggled, he still managed to support his body with one of his foot that was still fine.

The two walked towards the door but stopped at the woman who was currently glaring at Jisung.

"You promised not to bother me." Minho said looking at the woman.

"Yeah, because I'll be your partner!"

"Well it doesn't matter, don't ever let me see you ever again. You don't want to know the consequences." Minho replied.

Jisung saw how the woman's face just dropped. He wondered.

He turned his face to look at Minho but to his horror, Minho's expression was something you would never want to see ever again.

His eyes showed nothing but plain darkness.
Just like how a wolf would look at his prey before devouring it fully.

Jisung's breath hitched at the sight of it.


They were on the way to Minho's house to get ready for the event. Just as they stopped at the red light, Jisung took this opportunity to talk to Minho.

" I sprained m-my ankle.."

"Oh, yeah. It's fine I've already prepared a doctor."

" I mean I don't really need that, it wasn't a proper sprain so I'll just have to relax for a few hours..but is that ok for you? will it effect anything?"

"No, my parents are just desperate. As long as I come with a partner, they don't really care what condition you are in. You just have to dress properly."

Jisung just nodded. He was actually contemplating on whether he should ask Minho about the event that happened earlier.

I mean, he was rather confused at what the woman was talking about.

Why was she so upset? Didn't Minho's parents chose her and that she had no other choice but to like agree.?

In the end Jisung decided to just speak up.



"Why was she so mad?"

The car then started to move. Minho put his focus backed on the road.

"Because she's not the partner I'm bringing anymore."

"I still don't get it."

Minho sighed. "I chose you didn't I?"

"Yeh, but isn't she being overdramatic? Did she needed the money that badly.?"

"I mean I don't know. But I guess she's one of those people who actually took this thing seriously."

"Take it seriously?"

"She probably expected some relationship to come out of it. I feel bad for her honestly. I don't develop relationships with partners that I pay."

Jisung's heart sank for a brief moment. It was quickly recovered as Jisung rationality came back. "What the hell was that.."
"Oh.." Jisung replied refraining all of his emotions inside.
"I mean it's also probably because I'm quite picky. My parents would like give me a few dozens of options and I would still most likely not choose anyone. That's why they were willing to pay as much to the person, if I ever considered going with one of them."

Jisung looked at Minho and nodded. Though there was still a question that was circulating around his head.

"Then why did he changed his mind and chose me instead?" He thought.
"...It's because I find you very...intriguing." Minho replied.

Jisung chocked on his breath.

"..Y-You h-heard that.?!"

Minho stopped the car in-front of the huge mansion.

Right before he opened his door he spoke.

"Yes. Yes I did."


This was short and draggyyy but at least minsungg is progressing aightt?! :]

either way enjooooooyyyyyy<3333

His Other Side [Minsung &lt;3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora