Bonus ❅

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The bed creaks, a few loud thuds were heard as it hit the wall a few times.

Inapplicable noises were heard throughout the whole room as 2 figures were tangled with each other on top of the bed.

It wasn't their first time today, heck they did it multiple times already. Yet the older could never seem to stop.

The younger huff, tired.

He would've kicked the male on top of him long before he even started the 3rd round if it wasn't for the circumstance he is in.

Not only was it physically impossible but yeah,

His so called husband, is in his own heat cycle.

He's having a rut.

and is Jisung okay?

nope absolutely not,
he is in so much pain but also pleasure he has no idea what to do.
His thoughts are filled with lust and affection for his partner, but his body is on the verge of breaking.

He sighed as he let Minho does his thing.


The light burns as Minho's eyes fluttered opened.

A wave of events that happened yesterday hit him.

"I told you so many times already, no."  Minho spoke with disappointment in his voice.

"Hey with been together for almost 4 years, you've marked me, it's only normal for me to be there. You're always there for mine." Jisung spoke, holding the doorknob.

"I can't. Just so you know I won't be the gentle alpha you think I am. You'll get hurt."

"Minhoo~ don't be a baby and just opened the door! It's just sex goddammit! Who's to say I don't like it rough!" Jisung raised his voice, frustrated.

"You don't understand-"

"We've done it multiple times! Now let me in!"

Minho sighed at his partners desperation. "Don't blame me if you're-"

"I can't walk tomorrow?? Stop i never could." Jisung cut Minho off as he let himself in the room.

"Soo~ how do we start?"

"It's already coming, it's just a matter of waiting..." Minho said as he pulled Jisung onto his lap.

Bringing his arms around Jisung's waist while he brought his face to the crook of Jisung's neck, taking in his partner's soothing smell.

"Are we gonna go to Hwang Hyunmin's 2nd birthday?" Jisung ask not really knowing what else to do.

"Hmm maybe. Do you wanna?"

"Yeah! Seungmin is are close friend, heck you and Hyunjin are childhood friends what do you mean maybe."

"Hmm sure then." Minho said as he grip Jisung tightly, giving small kisses all over the back of jisung's neck.

"Yay. Also Fel-ah!"

Jisung covered his mouth with his hand as his eyes widened.

" yo-ah!"

Jisung felt it again. Minho's hand had traveled around Jisung's body while his lips focused on only one particular spot.

The spot that drived Jisung crazy.

Well, you could guess what it escalated to...

~End of Flashback~

"Shit" Minho cursed.

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