My Loyal Warrier (Marth X Ike)

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I sit in my throne with the love of my life next to me. His blue hair was just a tad darker than mine. But mine was longer. His bandanna was still torn and he refused to replace it. I liked it though, no matter how much I said I didn't, It made him look tougher, which is HOT!

"Martha, my king, is there anything I can do for you?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, there is a clothing shop named " Stella's Stitches. If you wouldn't mind going and getting my clothes, I will reward you tonight" I said with a smirk.

"Right away my king" he said as he left.

Wow, he didn't even realize that there wasn't a store called Stella's Stitches. That was just something to get him out of the castle so I could surprise him later. He has dome so much for me and is my most layal warrier, so he deserves something back.

I started by prepping my bedroom, if anything that's the most important. Then off the the kycthen where I was going to prepare a feast. Luckily he loved meat and wine, my favorite too, and we had tons.

After the feast, was in place it was time to ready the rest of the house by sending away the help and getting myself ready.

I was just coming our of the shower when I heard the door close. Perfect timing, I grabbed a robe and ran down to meet him.

"Hello? King Marth? There was nos much place" he said a little scared.

Oops. But he should know, I'm nothing to be scared of. I love him, and he loves me. Or at least that's what he tells me.

"Yes, Ike, I understand that. I lied" I said appearing at the top of the flight of stairs.

"My King, you're only in a robe, go and get dressed" he said trying to keep me modest.

"But you have done so much for me. Tonight is all yours, including me" Is aid with a wink.

"My king, are you sure?" He asked

"Call me Marth"

I led him unto the dining room and he was amazed at the food. I admitted to having help, but I did do most of it. He thanked me and just started pigging out. I found that kind if attractive and just started giggling to myself.

After dinner, we went to the bedroom and I shed my robe. He just walked over to me and kissed me. He pushed me on the bed and I knew tonight would be the night I had been waiting for. We would finally become each other's forever.

Author's Note: So this was a chapter I pulled out of my butt. Hope you enjoyed and until next time, bye.


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