Consent Pt. 1

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It's funny how the universe can mess up your life. One example might be Yujin and Minjoo's relationship. Even though they were seperated 8 or 9 years ago, they managed to find their way back. However, it looks like the universe is trying to rip them off for the second time around.

"What do you mean there are only two victims?" Matthew asked.

"There are only 2 copies of the parent's consent. And as you can see both parents of the victims signed in that waiver." the old lady answered.

"Eomma, are you telling me the Mrs. Ahn, I mean the researcher, signed this consent not as the researcher of the project but as a parent?" Eunbi asked

"Exactly. I'm still wondering why would she use her daughter for this horrible experiment." the old woman stated.

Everybody felt their body shiver after knowing the truth. But how did this all happen?

A month ago when Yujin and Minjoo heard their connection with one another, they really tried their best to keep a distance from each other. However, Ms. Kang told Minjoo to act as a substitute teacher for Eunbi will not be able to participate in the camp in Busan.

For the second time, Eunbi have no idea that Ms. Kang will again contact Minjoo to be her substitute teacher. She keeps on wondering why, because there are a lot of teachers in the school.

When Eunbi asked Minjoo if she's alright with it, Minjoo answered:

"It's okay, unnie. I owe Ms. Kang alot. It's my way of paying her back."

"I don't want your heart to break, Minjoo-yah."

"It's okay, unnie. I can handle it."

Minjoo also joined in the investigation. She needs to know more. For her and Yujin. She needs to know how can she fix this mess and be with Yujin once again.

Three days before the trip

"So, we decided to go to Busan to meet your parents on the day of the school trip." Sakura announced.

"But why? I want to come with you but I'm gonna need to be on the school camp." Minjoo pouted.

Eunbi laughed because she will not attend to the camp to participate in the investigation. She also thought that it will be better if Minjoo would not participate in this mess. The more Minjoo know about this, their life would be at stake. Luckily, Minjoo is stuck in guiding Building B-1 students.

"Minjoo-yah, I think you should prepare your things for the trip." Eunbi ordered.

"Okay, Unnie!" Minjoo left the living room.

"Soooo, does your parents know about Minjoo's memories?" Nako asked.

"They don't know it yet. They are kinda surprised that I told them that we're visiting them."

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