Chapter 2

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*chapter inspired by the song Broken Smile (My All) by Lil Peep. Book inspired by something I read when I was younger*

((I've been working. I've been giving my all. I've got to go, that's all. Nothing to is, don't be expect no call.))

I ran until my legs felt on fire and I coulnd't breath steady. I reached the front door and knocked like crazy, trying to catch my breath. He opened the door in nothing but thin pajama shorts and looked at me like I was crazy to be up at this hour, let alone bothering him at this hour. He looked at my face and imediatley knew something was wrong. "What's going on, little J?" he asked as if he actually expected me to answer to him with words. 

   I mentally slapped myself for not thinking about how I was going to ask for his help. I looked around frantically, trying to find some kind of way to tell him. He understood and gave me a pen and the paper his mom used to the grocerie list. I quickly flipped the page and wrote as fast as I could aross the page in big lettering 'JAMIE IS IN TROUBLE. I NEED YOUR HELP. AT HOME. IT'S BAD' he read it and nodded before grabbing a hoodie off the coat rack behind the door and slipping on some sandles. He ran to his car with me hot on his trail. I quickly got in while he started up his nice little car. His family had money, lots of it, but his mom and him try not to use it for many things. The car was one of few things his mom let him indulge in with the cash.

   We sped down the streets for about eight minutes and ran stop signes, I was just glad that there's no cops on duty for another two hours. The car came to a halting stop and I quickly got out as he went in park and got out, leaving the car on. I waited for him in front of the car, not wanting to go in if HE was still the way he was abour 22 minutes ago. My jaw dropped. 22 minutes? No way. Jamie could be dead in that amount of time. My breathing spead up and I sat on the grass as Tyler went in with his spare key he's had since he was ten and my brother decided he was our emegency person. 

   I sat and rocked myself back and forth, waiting for Tyler to come back out and at least tell me what was going on. What came out of my house made my breathing hitch and tears stream down my face. HE was gone, I knew because through my blury vision I now had enough sence to see his beat up old rusty truck was gone. Tyler was practically carrying Jamie out of the house with his arm slung over Tyler's shoulders. I quickly opened the back door for them and Tyler carefully put Jamie in the backseat. I heard Jamie groan out in pain and a sob went through my body. I quickly got into the passenger side seat.

   Tyler didn't take us to the hospital like I thought he would with Jamie's condition. When I looked at Tyler with anger, pain, and confusion clearly writtien on my face he flinched back a bit before talking to me, "They'll ask too many questions and Jamie told me not matter what happened to him a while back that I was to never ever take him to the hospital if I had suspisions your dad had anything to do with any kind of harm done to him. For your sake, he doesn't want your dad arrested and you thrown into foster care while he has to work through the paper work and trial that might not end till you're an adult to get you back."

   Tyler looked at me and I nodded as a tear fell down my face. Stupid boys and their stupid promises. Jamie needed medical help, a hospital, but Tyler refuses to take him because Jamie made him promise not to. I sobbed quietly in the passenger side seat while Tyler got my brother out of his back seat and started towards his front door. I quickly got out and opened the door before he got there. He nodded his thanks and I closed it after we got inside.

   I've only ever been in Tyler's house a handful of times and it still sonfused me how Jamie knew where everything was everytime he came over. Tyler walked over to the couch and looked back at me for help. I quickly went next to him to help anyway that I could. "Grab that blanket and lay it down so no blood gets on the couch. My mom will have a coniption if she has to buy a new couch," I quickly did as told and Tyler grounded out a quick 'thanks' as he put my brother down on the sofa. Jamie groaned out in pain again and wheezed. I panicked and felt his ribs carefully to see if any were broken around his lungs. I felt around for a minute and almost cried in relife that the only broken part of him was his wrist and he had really badly bruised ribs. Bruises started showing up on his stomach that looked like the front of a work boot and I cried more. I remember what it feels like to be kicked by those steel toed boots until you black out from the pain.

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