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I know I don't usually do these, but I wanted to take a moment to thank the people in my life who make me want to continue to write and share my stories with others. If it wasnt for the support I get from the people I do, I would have stopped writting a long time ago. So this book is dedicated to my Loving Sister, Jolee. My amazing Grandmother, Carla. My Father, Carl. And even though she isn't here now, a lot of my ideas come from the pain she has given me through life, my Mother, Bobbi. Although she may be dead in my mind now, the mother I grew up with helped me in many ways, and the woman she is today gave me pain to push through in the form of writting. Thank you to all my readers, I always get excited with even just a couple reads on my books. I love that someone else is taking interest in my stories as much as I like to write them. 

Jessica is just 16 and getting ready to be a sophomore in highschool. Her father drinks, a lot, and hurts her in more ways than she feels comfortable talking about with others. Her older brother, Jamie has always been there, but she feels like something is off with him too. Her whole life has been nothing but pain and crying for the life she wished she could have. Living with the life she has, Jessica is stronger than most girls, but she is weaker than she would ever think to be okay. Jamie tries, but her father outsmarts him, and she has to get help from others- people who shouldn't know about what happens when that front door locks. Maybe things will get batter now that she is finally getting help from someone that's not her brother or her dead mother. Jessica can only hope that things will get better. Hope. Something Jessica had thought was long ago lost to her. 

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