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Levi's POV

I kept an online journal for my plans.

And I wrote my plans in ciphertext derived from a complicated mathematical algorithm that can only be decrypted with a secret key I stored on my prized laptop.

Some weeks back, I orchestrated a police raid at the Warehouse, that is my humble abode, simply to give the law enforcers the peace of mind that their prized arsonist and his drug dealing friend weren't up to anything.

Which was why I needed to borrow the nerd, someone who looked nothing like a narc.

This is in reference to the two kilograms of cocaine that vanished some time back. Where did it go, some may ask.

Everywhere, really. I split it in twenty hidden places. All of which are very accessible to Ava. Recall the small run-in with Principal Ramirez, I had been on my way to shove it in the recesses of her locker.

No one was in on this plan, not even Finn, Finn's little brother, or Jasper. They don't even know about the police raid at the Warehouse, birthed from an anonymous phone call to the Tip-A-Crime hotline which gave policemen a warrant to turn this place upside down. They even scoured my prized laptop, but all they found was pictures of my dog, cooking recipes and other miscellaneous items I planted for them.

I think I earned us a break from the plainclothes officers I occasionally spot around. I haven't seen any of them in the past few days. Maybe I've gotten worse at identifying color of the day - that is the signal used by plainclothes officers to assist identification by their uniformed counterparts.

Prior to the raid, I kept telling Finn to take a break and source money through legal methods until we got off parole but he was stubborn and not very smart. By sheer luck he hadn't gotten caught when he turned up here with 2 bags of coke, acting like it was flour, asking to 'borrow the Warehouse for a couple days'.

Sometimes I get a feeling he's molding Ava to help him deliver, other times I get a feeling there's something more going on. Man treats her too nice.

Back in juvie I bunked with this nuts guy (or so I thought). He taught me all these. I went in an airhead, came out a changed person.

Finn told me with cellmates you either dominate or be dominated in there. He made all sorts of weapons from stuff he could salvage because he got this MMA wrestler insane cellmate who liked to engage in brawls in the middle of the night - especially when Finn was fast asleep. This is why you wake Finn by shouting at him across the room or with a ten foot pole if he was in REM sleep. Because he still sleeps with a knife and sometimes he thinks you're his MMA wrestler cellmate.

So I went in my cell thinking my skinny brown cellmate wouldn't be an issue. But Raj was great, he taught me about philosophy, and the greater meaning of life. More importantly, he taught me about the law enforcement system, how to identify plainclothes officers, and the 101 of cryptography, a subset of which included data encryption.

I didn't want to alarm my friends that I had formed relations with the resident cuckoo, so I liked to pretend that I was still the same dumb, harmless person they knew way back.

Sometimes I think I try too hard to be dumb but no one has questioned me yet.

Honestly, I'm surprised Ava hasn't found any coke on her. I planted about 100g of it in the cover of the Sociology textbook she borrowed from here some time back. And some 50g within her water bottle case. And a few baggies here and there in her smaller bag compartments.

Might have to contact her soon to inform her. It didn't feel ethical anymore, not after I got to know her better. She could get in trouble.

I fed Arnold his daily steak, and when I was done issuing daily training to my terrier, a knock arrived on the door.

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