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Did I believe in ghosts? No.

But DO I believe in ghosts NOW? Yes.

It couldn't be. Finn Russell in flesh? Impossible.

Just how many rascals did juvie release back into Central High? And what made the state's law enforcement people think it would be a good idea to entrust the public school system with these rascals?

I'm writing to the mayor when I get home.

"Oh God," I took a cautious step away from the two ex-convicts. Too much sin in one area. Hell's gates might open.

"Who is this? Why are her panties in such a big twist?" Finn sounded slightly annoyed. "Go on, give the paper back. We're not about that lifestyle anymore."

"It's her plans to be Victoriraleerian." Levi protested.

"What the fuck is that?"


"Give it over." Finn snatched it from Levi, and I watched as amusement overtook the ex-con's features.

"Plans to be Valedictorian - Kill Nancy if you must," he read aloud, flashing me a look that I didn't like one bit. "I like where this is going."

Finn handed the lit joint to Levi so he could hold the paper with both hands and read better, I presume from 10 inches below their line of vision.

"Could I please have it back?" I asked, realizing aggression would probably only further amuse them.

"No." Finn said easily. "Jas, take a look at this."

From the bushes, a third voice came. "What is it?"

And right before my eyes, Jasper O'Neill stood up. Handsome Jasper with such a good record in everything who stole everyone's hearts once upon a time. Good boy Jasper who accidentally got tangled up with these 2 rascals.

My cheeks warmed as the three of them read my paper. Especially Jasper. The paper that meant so much to me.

When they were done, they all had unreadable expressions on their face.

"Wait till the principal sees this. Or worse still, Nancy." Finn declared, gesturing to the ugly illustration of Nancy that I drew.

"Please don't." I said meekly.

"We'll strike a deal with you."

I frowned. I didn't like the sound of it.

"For our silence, you will agree to be our slave for one semester."


"Yes you will," Finn said, almost impatiently.

"He's right. You will," Levi shrugged with a stupid smirk on his lips.

Jasper grabbed the joint and returned to the bushes, seemingly uninterested in the exchange. I think I might hate Jasper the least amongst the three, or like him best, depending on how you look at it.

"How are you gonna prove it's my paper?" I asked smartly.

"We're three eye witnesses. The stuff on your paper is unethical and some even illegal. Your name is at the top. It's also in your handwriting," Finn replied.

"I haven't done any of the stuff yet though," I shrugged, pretending to be macho when I'm close to peeing my pants in reality.

"You have intention to," Finn said impatiently. "Just give up, slave."

"That sounds so wrong," I commented snidely. "I'm a minor you know. And I could say my paper is a work of art, not some sick plans."

"Fine then you leave me no choice. I'll have to show Nancy. Then she'll be ready for every single of your surprise attacks. And you won't graduate as Valedictorian," Finn said gravely.

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