Ife arrived just as Femi began setting the table. Nkechi waved the shy woman in, a knowing smile on her face as Femi became bashful.

Once everything was set, the three sat down at the table. Femi and Ife both remained quiet, but they kept glancing longingly at each other as they ate the flavourful food. Nkechi smirked at them as she ate her food, she ate in record speed whilst the two played around with theirs.

When the silence became unbearable, Nkechi decided to start the conversation everyone seemed to dread.

"So, today you will both announce your betrothal. How do you feel about it?"

Ife looked down at her fingers, as she spoke. "I'm nervous, I know there will be a lot of people who disagree with Femi's choice. I don't want to cause any conflicts. Maybe, we should wait?"

Femi's face turned thunderous at Ife's last sentence. "No. There is no time better than now."

Nkechi silently agreed with her brother, though she wasn't opposed to having more time.

"I understand that, but maybe we should tell them that I am Funai before we just announce our betrothal?"

Nkechi had found out that Ife was Funai on her final day inside her cage. Ife's cloak had slipped up her arm to reveal that they were covered in The Goddesses holy marks. It was then that Nkechi finally understood The Goddesses plan for her Nation. Nkechi had known that she couldn't lead and that Femi was the rightful leader, but she had no idea who his partner was supposed to be. Nkechi had been relieved to find out that she was not las Funai.

A few days after Nkechi had been released, Femi had declared his love for Ife, and she had finally confided her secret to him. There had been a moment of disbelief on Femi's behalf, but they now shared the same understanding.

"It won't make a difference," interjected Femi. "Either way there will always be people who think Nkechi should lead with Kofi as her husband. I do not care though. I want to marry you and unless you have changed your mind about marrying me, we will announce it today."

Ife looked so unsure and Nkechi knew it had everything to do with the bullying she had faced in her adolescence.

"I agree with Femi. There is no other way to do this. It would have been easier for the tribe if you had let everyone know you were Funai when you realised that you were, but that was never your destiny. You are pure and untainted by the pressures and politics that I have faced all my life. You two, together, are undeniably supposed to lead this tribe. I strongly believe this, and I know you don't particularly care for our mother Femi, but she will also be on your side."

Femi scowled at the mention of their mother. His feelings for Zira hadn't changed in the past few days since he had taken Nkechi from their parents' home.

"I guess there is no better time than now. Nkechi, do you mind waiting outside while I speak to Ife?"

Nkechi quickly cleaned the plates and then waited outside for the two to talk. They took a few moments, and then the trio was making their way into the heart of the town. Femi had already spread the word a few days prior that he would be making an announcement today.

There was already a large crowd of people awaiting their arrival. The trio had to push their way through to make their way to the raised platform. Razi Matin stood on the stage with a reluctant Zira by his side. His large arms were folded as he anxiously waited for his son to approach. His brow knitted together when noticed that Ife was also making her way to the stage.

The tribe's chatter ground to a halt as they watched with confusion as the trio took to the stage. Femi gripped Ife's shaking hands whilst Nkechi stood on the right side of her and creating a unified front. Nkechi glossed over all the faces present before she motioned for Femi to start.

The Lost Nation: Nkechi the Renegade (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now