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"She's not going anywhere," deadpanned Femi. His large arms were folded tightly over his broad chest as he glared down at Rajal.

"I can't keep asking your father for more time. He is becoming impatient," Rajal pleaded.

"I don't care. She is not going back!"

Nkechi huffed in annoyance at this repetitive conversation Rajal and Femi were having. She had been healing at Rajal's home for the past two or so weeks and her father had begun requesting her home shortly after he found out she was awake.

Nkechi was annoyed at the constant back and forth between her brother and Rajal but she knew both their hearts were in good places.

"Femi," Nkechi murmured.

'No," Femi snapped before she could even say her piece. "I refuse to allow you to go back to that man Nkechi. You still need time to heal."

"It won't make a difference Femi. All we are doing is prolonging the inevitable. As much as I don't want to live under the same roof as that man, I know that we have to choose our battles wisely. This is not a battle we will win." She explained kindly.

"So, what am I supposed to do? Just allow you to go back and live under the law of that evil man."

"He isn't evil Femi."

"Sure," Femi guffawed in disbelief.

"He isn't evil. Has his mind been corrupted? Yes, it has, and he has lost sight of what truly matters but he isn't evil. There is still hope for him."

Femi's jaw clenched in anger at Nkechi defending their father. This argument was also a recurring theme between the two siblings. Nkechi tried to speak the growing anger and hatred out of her brothers' heart, but they could never see eye to eye on the matter of Matin.

Sensing the sour turn of the conversation, Rajal intervened. "Razi Matin feels guilty for his actions and would like to have Nkechi back home so he can show her the care she deserves. Your mother would also prefer you to be under her care." Rajal gave Nkechi a knowing look which only angered Femi more.

He was constantly reminded that he was not privy to a private conversation. Nkechi and Rajal would often communicate with their eyes, which would leave Femi being the only one with his views.

"I don't care about his apology, what he did was despicable, and I will carry the scars on my body as a reminder for the rest of my life. However, I think it's time I face reality. Thank you for always defending and protecting me Femi but It's time."

Femi felt defeated. Nodding his head solemnly he left the room leaving Nkechi with Rajal alone.

"He feels guilty," Rajal muttered softly.

"I know but there was truly nothing he could have done to prevent this, except kill Kofi and then that would have left Femi in a worse of situation."

Rajal hummed in thought as he took a seat on Nkechi's bed. "No matter how hard we fight it, we all have a path to follow. If Femi hadn't fought his destiny so hard things may have been different but the result would always be the same."

"I have learnt that the journey never alters our destination, it just gives us different things to reflect on once we reach our final path."

Rajal tilted his head in agreement before helping Nkechi from the bed. Nkechi's body hadn't fully recovered but the majority of the wounds had healed, and a lot of her bruising had been lessened. Rajal had given her herbal remedies to help make the process quicker. She still had pangs in her abdomen, but she was able to move about freely without tearing back open any wounds.

The Lost Nation: Nkechi the Renegade (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now