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Nkechi sat crossed legged facing Makaio. Now that they were alone, her bravado had all but deserted her. They had both crossed over into uncertain territory and neither of them had the slightest idea of what to do next.

"Try not to look so scared, I won't kill you."

"No one would reprimand you if you did. I am your property now."

Nkechi's words were a clear dig at the terminology used during the ceremony.

The ceremony had been magical. The private scene that Makaio had expected had not been given, but in its place the whole tribe had stood by and watched as they descended into the water together. Their hands were bound as a prayer had been said over their union. Nkechi had felt exhilarated as they broke through the water to the cheers of the Nah Barroh's. Her heart had swelled at being welcomed and accepted into a tribe who saw her and not what she could bring.

It had truly been a beautiful union until it hadn't.

Makaio heaved a deep sigh. His finger pinched the bridge of his nose as he braced himself against Nkechi's bitter resentment.

"Yes you are my property, just as much as I am yours. We believe that a marriage is sacred and that to let anyone within the marriage is sacrilege. So yes, you do belong to me but I also belong to you. As my Solah, your place is on par with mine. We are a unit and if I do something to tarnish or destroy that union, such as killing you, I would be punished in the highest form."

"It didn't sound that way."

"I understand how it sounded but it was also a loose translation. Sometimes you cannot convey the true meaning of something when explaining it in another language."

Nkechi pursed her lips in acceptance. She had no desire to start this union with hostilities but she also couldn't ignore how those words made her feel.

Makaio gently took her hand and subconsciously smoothed a crease in her palm.

"I'm sure we will disagree on many things but please just try to give my people, give me, the benefit of the doubt. I honestly bare you no ill will."

The scent that radiated off him was heady. It was a deep masculine scent that called to Nkechi and encouraged her to be calm. Combined with his gentling touch, she felt her hackles lowering.

She met his piercing eyes and silently acquiesced to his sincere plea.

"So what happens next? I imagine we won't be sleeping in these clothes."

"Eager to see me naked?"

"As lovely as you natural form is, I am too tired to endure a naked male tonight."

Makaio's laughter was slowly becoming Nkechi's favourite sound. The deep dulcet tone was full of pure joy and freedom.

"Ahhh Nkechi you insult me." His grin was playful as he winked at her. "I'll change in our room and bring you some clothes out shortly."

Makaio changed in record timing. When he returned his chest was bare but he had on a loose pair of trousers , they hung low on his hips and caused Nkechi's mouth to run dry.

"You might have to help me out of this dress." She said clearing her throat.

Makaio silently placed her clothes on the table. No words were said between them but Nkechi's cheeks heated as he slowly glided the dress over her body. There was an intimacy in the act that neither of them could ignore. Makaio's chest rose and fell faster and Nkechi's breath halted in her throat as the garment glided over her chest.

The Lost Nation: Nkechi the Renegade (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now