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Warning: Intense gore and foul language

The frightened teen girl stood, shaking in her shoes, at the end of the dimly lit alleyway. Her name? Pidge... She had dark brown shoulder-length hair that had a small wave to it. Her eyes were hazel-green with dark lashes and brows to match her hair. The little wind that swirled around the small space made her chestnut hair fly around and in front of her face covering her eyes every so often, but she couldn't unsee it, she could unsee Him.

Growling harshly, it stood its ground proudly, his breathing was ragged as he sucked air in and out, you could hear his breathing from a mile away. She gazed wide-eyed at the canine who stood at roughly 10 meters from her jittery frame. A massive black and white husky, with razor teeth and blood-covered paws. That wasn't even the worse part though, hanging from those knife-like fangs were chunks of human flesh. Crimson liquid dribbled down his jaw and onto the dirty concrete floor, now stained.

As the monochrome dog lifted its foot ready to take a step the girl made a mad dash to the left and jumped the small fence, unfortunately, her dirtied red t-shirt got snagged on the metal spike causing it to rip up the side roughly. A little rip wasn't going to stop her from living though. She continued sprinting down each ally in the hope of finding a sign of life, maybe another person that could help her. Pidge's favourite jeans are now dirty and have small scratches all over that she would never be able to get rid of, but her classic blue cuffed jeans were the least of her worries right now.

Left, right, right again, straight, right, left, left again, and so on.

Her lungs protested as she ignored their pleas for air, her throat was dry and scratchy her breathing was now just huffs of breath in and out of her tired lungs.

Every ally felt as if it would stretch on forever until she turned once again down another and another. The mud-stained black and white converse have seen better days and her red shirt swayed at a fast pace like a flag in the wind. The small tear in her once cherry red shirt, aloud the cold breeze to run up her shirt and engulf her body in a cold blanket.

A ting of relief struck her body as the ally she ran down next seemed to have an ending. Adrenaline kicked in and she used the last of her energy to sprint to the end, like a race, a race for her life.

Reaching the end her eyes widened and tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, threatening to fall. The end of the ally led into a forest...

She fell to the ground in a huffing mess as her lungs tried taking as much air as they could, no way she could run in there, that's where It came from! It was only then she realised the small gash on her stomach form jumping the fence and ripping her shirt, and her ankle ached as if she had rolled it. Her forehead dripped with sweat as her head pounded making is so she couldn't think straight.

Her heartbeat dropped to her stomach as she heard the all to familiar growl coming from not far behind her. Much to her sore necks dismay, she turned her head to see the hell hound standing tall only and couple meters away.


She's isn't done just yet.

Snapping her neck back straight ahead she lept up from her fallen position and started the chase once again. She had so much she wanted to do, get out of this boring town for one, nothing interesting ever happens here.

The dog seemed to have enough of her running so he made a jump towards her left thigh and succeeded in burying his teeth in the thick lays of skin.

The young girl let out a blood-curdling screech as she felt the warm cherry-black liquid and saliva, mixed with the decaying smell that came from that canines mouth, pooled down her leg as she fell to the forest into the crunchy leaves and twigs that gave her minor cuts and bruises.

Tears flooded down her pale face as she stared the animal in the eyes. Hers once filled with hope and potential, now only pain and doubt. The dog's eyes were soulless and seemed to burn it's gaze straight through her frail body.

Violently ripping his head back, a massive chunk of flesh was torn away from her thigh revealing down to the bone. Her screams were drowned out by the saliva that got caught in her throat, she could practically taste the bile rising in her throat ready to spew.

All of a sudden, she heard small footsteps retreat from her side making her look up to find the smiling dog was no longer here. Her puzzled expression turned dull when she realised that she was most defiantly going to bleed out if she didn't get help soon.

Turning onto her stomach her dirty and bloody brunette hair fell in her face and she crawled towards a nearby tree with a small indentation she could conceal herself in a bit. Grabbing onto the tree she sat on the floor, whinging as leaves stunk the huge gash in her leg. Pidge shimmied back into the indentation of the tree and hugged her good leg towards her chest as she steadied her breathing.

In and out, in and out.

Her mind continued screaming at her to get out of those woods, but how could she? There was a massive bite of flesh missing from her leg and if she lost to much blood, she would for sure pass out and meet her doom.

Looking around for any way to escape she didn't see much, except for the way she got here through that ally. Maybe she could take the risk-

"Aww~ Hey doll, whatcha' going here? Smile here got a pretty one I might say, hehe~" Pidge snapped her head to the deep voice and saw raven black hair.

And that thing, it was with him, "Can you do me a favour... and, Go. To. SL- SMILE WHAT THE FUCK!" he seemed to cuss out the dog as it ran into him, seeming to tell the boy something.

They matched; they both had the same Cheshire grin that went ear to ear. Pidge shook in fear realising when the dog was trying to tell the black-haired male.

She was his first...

No. No. NO!

All the girl frightened female saw was a flash of red and black and felt an enormous amount of pain on her neck.

No screaming, no crying.

It was all over...


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