Chapter Eighteen

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Sharpfang still padded silently through the snow, knowing he was far from the scent markers. Having stopped for the night, he was refreshed.

What am I doing? Frankly, he didn’t know. I just need to get away for a while. He told himself. I’ve been away. Conflicting thoughts bombarded his mind. He should go back. I’ve been away long enough. Sharpfang shook his head and turned his pawsteps toward home. The sun was just rising. I should be home before nightfall. In a sudden anticipation to get home, he began to run.

He was coming up on a beech tree. Quite winded, he stumbled to the roots and lay there panting. What’s that scent? Tiredness forgotten, he followed the scent of rocks and damp earth. He tripped over a loose stone and fell flat on his face. Looking up, a small pile of rocks stood before him. In the middle of the rocks there was a hole. Cautiously, he approached the pile. The weird scent was emanating from the chasm, a distinct tang, half disguised by the smell of wet earth and sun-baked rocks. What if there is something down there? Will I meet my death there? Shaking the thoughts from him, he allowed the hole to swallow him. Tiptoeing forward, he padded along a cavern-like hallway. His whiskers brushed against a solid rock wall. Soon a dim light shone ahead. He eagerly pushed towards it. He ran into a huge cavern. I must be far underground. The ceiling is too high to be as close to the ground as I thought. Indeed the ceiling soared high above him. Suddenly he stood stock still. A column, a pillar of earth stood before him. It glowed in the warm sunlight that filtered through a hole in the roof. “The Moonpillar!” He exclaimed. He recalled the stories that one of the former loners had told him. The former Pineclan cats would come to the Moonpillar to share dreams with Starclan. “I have to get to camp to tell them the news!” He almost shouted. He backed back into the black tunnel and rushed to the daylight overhead. Not even stopping for breath, he charged into the bracken.


Rainystripe sat in her nest, the shade of the Twisted Tree falling, dappled, on her pelt. The wasn’t high in the sky, but the warriors were already making good progress on the nursery and warriors den. Most of the warriors were piling the heap of brambles in a circular form around each of their nests. The warriors had all moved their nests into the space to measure how much room was needed for all the warriors to fit into the den. A wall half a tail-length long was beginning to take shape. Rainystripe stared across the clearing, picturing the camp in her dream. The nursery had had a river cutting it off from the other dens, where had that come from? Oh well, she would worry about that later. The pile of stones that made the apprentices den puzzled her as well. How did warriors move such huge stones? The huge tree would have to somehow fall to make the elders den. All these things were muddled in her mind. Meanwhile the sun was rising in the sky, and there was no sign of Sharpfang. Worry was nagging at Rainystripe’s pelt. What had happened to the dark tom? She watched the warriors laboring on the nursery, their job was the easiest; they were almost finished. Rainystripe longed to pad over to them and see the inside, but she was stuck in her nest. She tentatively moved her leg three claw lengths. No pain. Another three claw lengths and a sharp pang shot through her leg and lower back. Though it still hurt, Rainystripe suspected it was healing. Darkstorm padded over. He stopped by the fresh kill pile and picked up a fresh thrush. After he set it down, he licked her affectionately between the ears.

“How are you?” He purred.

Rainystripe growled. “I want to see it! The nursery, everything! I can’t move!” Frustration edged her mew.

Darkstorm slid his tail over her spine. “It’ll heal soon. Don’t worry.”

Rainystripe blinked. Darkstorm didn’t seem to believe what he said. “I know,” She sounded stiff. A purr caught in her throat. She wasn’t in the happy mood today.

“Thanks, Darkstorm. For the thrush.” She took a small bite to show she meant it, and Darkstorm padded away to continue with the dens. Rainystripe watched him go, and swallowed the meat. She managed to stuff the prey down, but her appetite escaped her. The fear in Darkstorm’s blue eyes had startled her. Will I never get better? She despaired. A paw touched her on the shoulder. Rainystripe looked and, for the second time that day, saw Sunstar looking down at her.

“Yes?” Rainystripe knew what he wanted.

“It is Sunhigh. I hope you have chosen well.” The orange leader walked up the Twisted Tree and yowled, “Let all cats old enough to climb trees gather here beneath Twisted Tree!” He looked wearily down at Rainystripe. “Rainystripe has something to say!”

Since Rainystripe could not stand, she stayed at the root of Twisted Tree, and began. “As you know, I have been injured and am unable to organize patrols and keep up with my other duties as I should,” The words forced themselves chokingly from her lips. “Until I heal, I must appoint a temporary deputy for the Clan,” Rainystripe paused and looked at the shocked, eager faces looking at her. “The new deputy will be,”

Just then, pounding pawsteps entered the camp.


Yowls of welcome rose from the gathered cats. Sharpfang looked dazed and exhausted as the Clan cats swarmed him, asking questions. Ignoring them, he tipped his head and asked, “What is Rainystripe doing?”

Adderface stepped forward and growled. “She was just about to appoint a temporary deputy to take her place for a while. Until she gets better.”

Sharpfang nodded. “My news can wait,” His mew was high-pitched and excited, as though he didn’t mean what he had said.

Rainystripe continued. “The new deputy will be, Sharpfang!”

Complete silence followed her meow. Then Gingerthorn stepped forward and yowled his name. “Sharpfang! Sharpfang! Sharpfang!”

The other cats joined her, and Rainystripe sheathed her claws. Swallowing a sigh of relief, she noted with a twitch of her whiskers the shocked expression on Sharpfang’s face. He mewed something, but was drowned out by the congratulations that were being heaped upon him. Rainystripe tensed as Darkstorm padded up to him.

“Congratulations on the deputyship, Sharpfang,” The simple words were all he needed to say. Sharpfang nodded thankfully, and with drew from the crowd and approached Sunstar.

“Sunstar, I need to speak with you,”

Sunstar acknowledged this with a flick of his ears, and led the new deputy to his own den.

“I wonder what they are going to talk about,” Darkstorm’s mew sounded close to Rainystripe’s ear.

“You’re not angry then?” She whispered.

Darkstorm wrapped his tail lovingly around her. “How could I be?” He looked deep into her eyes. “I’m perfectly happy with things just the way they are,”

Pineclan #1: Journey to the UnknownKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat