Chapter Seven

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As Violet and Sam greeted Bud, the company of cats dispersed into the clearing. The big tabby waltzed over to Cloud, who was observing the whole affair.

He nodded and said, “I am Darkstorm, and I want to join the new Pineclan. I know all the clan ways and can help you train these cats.”

Cloud smiled, thankful that there were now five cats able to train the many cats that had attended the gathering. “Thank you, Darkstorm. You’re help will be much appreciated.” Darkstorm nodded again and disappeared into the crowd. Cloud raised her tail for silence. There was an instant hush. “It’s getting late, but in the morning, you may either join Pineclan or go home. We invite you to spend the night as to not miss anything in the morning. Thank you for coming, and we will resume at first light.” Cloud jumped off the Twisted Tree, and started to look around for any moss with which to make her nest. There! She spotted a spreading oak and tripped over to it. Sure enough, there was moss growing at the bottom. She unsheathed her claws and flicked her paw lightly over it. Soon she had a nice ball of moss. She turned around and bumped into Darkstorm. 

Her face turned red from her clumsiness. “Oh, sorry!”

Darkstorm shrugged it off, “It’s fine.”

She padded toward the Twisted Tree and spread out her moss next to the roots. 

“Excuse me,” A feminine voice stopped her. 

Cloud turned around and said, “No problem. What is it?”

The pretty calico blinked thankfully. “Can you show me how to do that? I want to stay the night, and I don’t want to sleep on this wet ground.”

Cloud smiled and trotted to where she had gathered her own moss. 

“Look, unsheathe your claws, like this. Then, hold your paw over the moss, like this. Then flick your wrist, like this. To make sure you don’t get any dirt from the roots shake the ball, like this.” The kittypet mirrored her actions. 

“I think I got it!” She neatly gathered a ball of moss and shook it. 


“Oh! By the way, my name is Cally, a nice white tom invited me.”

“okay, I saw Bud talking to you, I was up on the fence, my name is Cloud.”

“Thank you for showing me! And where is Bud?”

“He is over there! Setting up some moss for his nest. Why don’t you join him?”

“I think I will! Oh, look there! It’s my sister, Kay! Kay!”

The calico she-cat looked in their direction and smiled. Kay walked toward them. “Hey, Cally, who’s this?”

“This is Cloud, Cloud, meet my sister, Kay.”

Cloud nodded. “Hello!” She had a feeling that she and this cat were going to get along fine together. “Do you want me to show you how to gather moss?”

Kay nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah!”

Cloud lay in her nest, cleaning her pelt. Kay sat in the nest next to her, talking to Cloud about Pineclan.

“I like the names you get! I wonder what mine will be?”

Cloud lifted her head, “So you are going to join?”

“Well yeah! How could I pass up an opportunity like this?”

Cloud laughed to herself and said, “I hope other cats are thinking the same thing. How many do you think stayed the night?”

“Hrm… Maybe all the loners, and four or five kittypets is my guess.”

“Oh, I hope the kittypets come back.”

Kay smiled encouragingly, “They will.”

Cloud set her chin on the soft moss of her nest and let her spirits lift. “We have a big day tomorrow, lets get some sleep.”

“Okay!” Kay settled down in her own nest and closed her eyes.

An hour passed and Cloud was still awake. Why can’t I sleep? She tossed and turned, but still, sleep would not come.

Silvery paws stopped in front of her. Cloud stood up to see Robinsong yet again, her eyes fixed proudly on her. 

“Hello, Robinsong! Are you going to show me any battle moves today?”

Robinsong shook her head. “You know almost all of them, but those are for a different time. Tonight I come for a different reason.”

Cloud looked at her quizzically. 

“You are gathering a clan, Cloud. Do you expect to do it alone? Starclan will give you the names for all these cats, surely you could never come up with so many. You will lead this clan, it is your destiny, Cloud.”

Cloud took a step back. “I can’t lead a clan! You must be mistaken! You have to choose a different cat! I’m not prepared to lead any cat!”

“Yes you are! I myself have trained you! Do you not trust my judgment?”

“Of course I do! But, this cannot be so! Please, choose someone else. You could make me deputy! Please! Maybe an older cat that would retire to the elder’s den!”

Robinsong hung her head. “Fine. But Cloud, you must be able to accept the consequences of this choice.”

Cloud breathed a sigh of relief. “I will.”

“Very well. I go to find a suitable leader for Pineclan.”

Pineclan #1: Journey to the UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now