Chapter Eight

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Cloud awoke to a tail being dragged over her pelt. 

“Huh? What?” She stammered sleepily.

Kay looked her straight in the eyes. “The cats are gathering, I think they are ready.”

Cloud nodded. She stood shakily and stretched. Padding up the Twisted Tree, she saw all the cats gathered beneath. 

“Hello, friends!” She caught their attention. “I’m glad to see that some of you stayed the night. For the ones that didn’t stay the night, welcome. Today you will have the chance to join Pineclan. If you do, you will receive a warrior name. You shall be trained by myself, Darkstorm, Sam, Bud and Violet. If you are not interested, you may now leave.” Looking over the crowd, she saw almost all the loners and most of the kittypets had stayed where they were. Four of the kittypets silently rose and slunk toward the twoleg camp. Cloud turned to the remaining cats and smiled. “Since we don’t have a leader yet, I will name all of you, any questions? Problems?” 

No answer.

“Perfect. Now, one of you step forward and receive your name.”

The gathered cats looked at each other and waited. 


Still no cat came. Suddenly, a solemn, dark-colored cat slowly stood. Cloud smiled as she watched Sam step forward. When he was under the Twisted Tree, Cloud jumped down to meet him. 

“Sam, you have served your clan by rebuilding it. You have been faithful and diligent. Do you agree to uphold your clan and clan ways even at the cost of your life?”

“I do.”

“Then with Starclan’s approval, I give you your warrior name. Sam, from this day forward, you will be known as Sharpfang.” 

Sharpfang stepped forward and respectfully licked her shoulder. Cloud rested her head on his. Sharpfang took a step back and reentered the crowd. Cloud raised her head and asked for another volunteer. This time there was no hesitation. Snow stood and walked toward Cloud. Cloud smiled at her old friend and began the ceremony. “Snow you have brought peace and love to this clan. Do you promise to serve and protect Pineclan even at the cost of your life?”


“Then I give you your warrior name. Snow, you will now be known as Leafsong.”

Leafsong licked her shoulder and stepped back into the crowd, overcome with pride. As soon as Leafsong sat, Bud stood. The white tom hastened to Cloud. 

“I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. Bud, do you promise to defend your clan even at the cost of your life?”

“I do.”

“Then I now give you your warrior name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Whitefur.”

Whitefur stepped back and retreated into the crowd. Kay and Cally took his place.

“Kay and Cally, do you agree to uphold all of Pineclan even at the cost of your lives?”

“I do.” they said together.

“Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Kay, from this moment on, you will be known as Spottedblaze. Cally, from this day forward you will be known as Patchheart.”

They went back into the crowd. Violet slowly came forward.

“Violet do you promise to protect your clan, even at the cost of your life?”


“Then I give you your warrior name. You shall now be known as Dotpelt.”

Violet licked her shoulder and stepped backwards into the crowd.

The last cat returned to the crowd. Cloud felt very puckered out. She turned to go to her nest but a meow stopped her. 

“You don’t have a name, Cloud!”

Cloud turned to see Sunpelt, one of the loners, race toward her. As he came closer, he whispered, 

“I had a dream last night.” With a wink he began. “I call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. She has endured many a hardship to get this clan together. Do you agree to protect your clan even at the cost of your life?”

Cloud felt a brush of fur as she gave her oath. “I do.”

 “Then with Starclan’s approval, I give you your warrior name. Cloud, from now on, you shall be known as Rainystripe.” 

Rainystripe stepped forward and licked his shoulder. Then she melted into the crowd, leaving Sun. Darkstorm approached and licked her forehead. 

“Rainystripe.” He smiled. “I like it!”

Rainystripe pawed his ear teasingly. “Thanks.”

Spottedblaze padded toward her eagerly. “When do you start to train me?”

“How about now.” She looked at Sunpelt as he sat at the base of the Twisted Tree. She sprinted toward him. “Sunpelt. Wait.” Looking at the crowd, she lifted her voice. “There is one more ceremony to perform. Sunpelt, you had both a mother and a father who taught you everything you know. Will you except the leadership of Pineclan?”

He nodded, unfazed. Then he smiled. “Only if you except deputyship.”

Rainystripe was taken aback. “O-of course!” she stammered.

Sunstar waltzed to the top of the Twisted Tree, beckoning her with his tail. Rainystripe sprinted after him and was amazed to find him sitting by a hollow in the leaves. She looked inside and saw that the branch split into two parts then joined together, forming a nest-sized hole. Laughing, she walked out of the leader’s future den and called to Liontail over.

“I want you to go find as many sticks as you can find. A little bigger than that hole over there.” Liontail looked into the den, nodded, and took off. “Leafpool!” The cat rushed over. “I want you to go gather as much moss as you can.” Spottedblaze approached. “Spottedblaze, you help her.” as they sped off to the oak where the moss grew, Rainystripe turned back to Sunstar. “Anything I missed?”

He nodded. “Thorns to line the walls with. And one more thing.”

Rainystripe cocked her head. 

“Where are all these cats going to sleep? And where is a medicine den?”

Before Rainystripe could answer, a scream sounded in the clearing.

Pineclan #1: Journey to the UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now