Part 5

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Naira was in a kid’s dance work shop. She had come to unwind here, away from the reality of her life. She was going to get married soon with or without her consent and this was the best way she could spend her leftover freedom. The kids were ever charming, laughing, smiling and playing. She forgot herself in their joyous zeal.

The youngest of them all was sitting in her lap, the kid was a two years old. He had tagged along with his seven year old sister. Attached to her foot in a tight grip of arms. He wouldn’t let go even with his mother’s reprimands and dragging. The mother finally gave up trying. Naira assured the mother that, she would look after her baby.

The mother trusting her, gave the baby’s necessity bag to her. Reminding her of all the things in it.Milk, warm water, diapers and everything.

Right now, he forgot his sister and got attached to Naira.He was all cute with dazzling dimples and smiles. He was really small but he walked so fast. Here and there. Round and round in circle.

The kid’s name was Aaryan.

Little Aaryan now pulled at her dress. It was a half sleeved floral patterned one. A peach floral dress, which reached up to her knees, leaving her legs bare. She had straightened her tresses in a smooth shiny lines,Naira had let it fall all around her shoulders in waves.

There were lot of other volunteers like her, helping the kids with the dancing or babysitting the little ones. The hall vibrated with it. Her smiling eyes moved all along, moving and gliding.

Naira’s eyes widened a little, spotting and recognising.As her heart went into an overdrive, her breath shortened, her gaze went back to the black suited man, leaning his back on the wall, his eyes observing her through the distance of the little crowd.

It was five days, four nights, six hours, twenty five minutes and a whole lot of fifty seconds passed since she last saw him. Her mind reflected immediately a picture as a graphic video of their kiss.

Right now, he moved away from the wall and sauntered forward. Towards her. The throng of little crowd moved away from his space giving him way to walk. Even the people around him melted away, that was something mystical about him.

Naira was clutching Aaryan so tight over his waist that he started squirming and pulling at her hand. She looked down at him and loosened her hold, and hurried up, putting him on her right hip.

Aaryan stopped at his mumblings and stared at the approaching stranger in a fix of a gaze.

She saw him step forward into her space.

Naira was finding it hard to figure him out.

That’s when he said something which made her head jerk back.

“We need to grab our rings.”He whispered down at her, his gaze sliding all over her face, and travelled to look at Aaryan in her arms.

Grab what ?!! Rings, what ?!!

“What rings ?!!” She asked confused, her both eyebrows raised up.

He tilted his head to the side.

“Our engagement rings.”He muttered down at her, a little amused.

A little gasp escaped her lips. Engagement rings ?!! Their engagement rings.

No, hello. No,hi. No, how are you.No, enquiry about her well being. No, telling her that she looked nice. No, smile. No, endearing word. Just straight out say what you want and get out.But what else could she expect from him.

His brows furrowed as his lips moved. He was saying something. Naira shook her mind and came back to consciousness.

“What ?!!”She asked stupidly.

Perfectly Imperfect by VrushyWhere stories live. Discover now