"They think you know more than what you're saying," he looked down at his hands.

"What?" She couldn't have heard them right.

"The alphas are claiming that there is no way that you were with that man-"

"John," Jenny interrupted. Dustin gave her a confused look and then continued.

"Yes, him. You couldn't have been with him for so long and not have any useful information."

"They think I'm lying?" Anger flared in Jenny's chest, she pulled away from her mate. How dare they?

"I think it's more along the lines of them thinking you are withholding information."

"And what did you say?" Jenny got up from her spot on the couch.

"I obviously said you weren't. Your father did most of the talking though," Dustin remained a picture of calmness. Jenny was angry. They thought she wanted to protect him? That monster?

"What is there to remember that I don't?"

"I don't know, smells, surroundings, sounds from out in the woods. Maybe things he said?" It sounded to Jenny like Dustin knew he was walking on egg shells. He spoke to her quietly and carefully, meanwhile Jenny was ready to explode. She wasn't mad at him, but the audacity of those alphas.

"Smells? Surroundings? I woke up to being dragged up a drive way. That bastard didn't even bother to carry me. My head hurt, the rocks digging into my back hurt. I was scared out of my mind and I wanted my mom. I am so unbelievably sorry that I didn't stop to smell the god damned roses," Jenny's voice was raising as she continued.

"Hey," Dustin reached up and grabbed one of her hands, pulling her back down onto the couch. He wrapped an arm around her, "I know you're not hiding anything. I believe you and they will too." And just like that all of her negative emotions washed from her body. The feeling of being in his arms, so close to him, made her feel like putty in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I just feel like I'm so on edge already and now this?" Jenny realized that she was opening up to her mate fairly quickly. Normally this is what she talked to Stark about, her feelings that is. Her family knew of the weird things that happened to her when she felt too threatened or too angry, but she didn't like to talk to them about it.

"I know, but it's going to be okay." Jenny gave him a smile and looked up at him. In the dim glow of the lamp in the corner and a few candles around the room she took in how handsome he was. His black hair had been combed over, but now he had obviously run his fingers through it. She couldn't make out the greenness of his eyes, though she could picture them perfectly.

There were moments in movies when the love interests locked eyes and everyone knew that they were going to kiss. The moment when everything around them froze, the characters couldn't breathe, and kissing was the only right thing to do in that moment. Jenny was having that moment, but she didn't know what to do.

Dustin slowly moved his hand to her face, this time she didn't flinch. He took a rogue curl and gently pulled it out of her face, then traced his finger down the side of her cheek. It left a trail of fire on her skin and she felt like she couldn't breathe, hell, air didn't matter at this point. His finger came to rest under her chin, keeping her eyes on him.

"Can I kiss you, Jenny?" The words washed over her and she felt herself nod. In what felt like forever, Dustin leaned down and took her lips in his. The kiss was gentle, light. Almost as if he was scared of doing too much. When they broke apart, only for an inch, only for a breath, Jenny crashed her lips back to his. Her hands landing on his chest and Dustin reaching up to cup her face.His hands then slid down her body and to her thighs. He picked her up and pulled him onto his lap until she was straddling him. She pushed her hands up into his hair and deepened the kiss. It wasn't long before Dustin broke it and pulled away.

JennyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara