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The hotel was amazing, it was huge and very modern and we all had separate rooms with huge beds, a minibar and really great bathrooms.

I was still quite angry at my parents for sending me on this trip but to be honest, it was hard to still be upset. After just one day I felt kind of comfortable, but on the other hand, my work hadn't started yet.

The flight went pretty well, I'd been sleeping for the rest of it and now I felt very energetic, even though it was now 2am Australian time. It was now 3pm here in London.

My uncle told me to come to the restaurant at 4 so I decided to use the rest of my time to unpack my bags and take a shower.

I just imagined I would be on a holiday and the band were my best friends and suddenly everything didn't seem so bad anymore. I knew I couldn't pretend that it was like that forever but for now, standing underneath the rainfall shower with nice music playing in the background, I felt free.

The kooks were playing right now and I sang along on top of my lungs, using the additional shower head as a microphone.


"Oh you're soooo naiiiveee yet soooooo" I closed my eyes and rinsed out the conditioner I put in and I had to laugh a bit because my singing was horrible but I felt like a superstar.


I stopped the shower and got out of it, turning the music down.

"FREYA, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?" I heard my uncle scream.

"Yes, whats up Carl?" I quickly dried myself up, slipped into my bathrobe, stepped out of the bathroom and opened the door to let him in.

"I just wanted to give you your working schedule so you will be prepared for the interviews today."

"Interviews?" I groaned. "Why do they want to interview me?"

"Not you, idiot. The band. And now get dressed, it's already 5 to 4pm and I bet you're gonna be late as always." He chuckled and closed the door behind him.

I took a short look at the piece of paper in front of me.

5.30 pm - BBC Radio 1 Interview + Live Lounge

7 pm - Teenstar Magazine Interview

7.30 pm - Girls! Magazine Interview

8 pm - Capital FM Interview

8.30 pm - Studio

Nice. Seemed like I had nothing to do today, except sitting next to my uncle listening to the boys answering the same questions all over again.

I quickly blow dried my hair and put on some basic make up, dressed in a comfortable sweater with the logo of my favorite band on it and some simple leggings.


I practically ran to the restaurant, now about 20 minutes late.

"There she is, my wonderful niece that is always on time!" Carl laughed, taking a huge bite of his Pizza.

"Your pizza is a little cold already and Michael stole a slice but I figured you like Hawaii as it's your mum's favorite?"

I nodded and sat down in between Michael and the curly haired one.

"Sorry for stealing a slice but it looked so good and I just had to taste it"

"Shut up" I murmured and started eating my pizza.

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