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I was once again lying on the bed, listening to music and trying not to fall asleep. The last show of the tour in London started in a few hours and afterwards we would all be partying a little, before we would be leaving the UK and travel the rest of the European countries. I was very tired and didn't really feel like going, especially as I had a very bad day today. I couldn't stop thinking about my birthday, that wasn't coming up until we were in Paris.

I was about to text Carl that I felt sick and would be staying at the hotel for tonight, when my screen lit up with a message from Luke.

Lukey: Carl got us crepes, you should hurry to the lobby or else Michael will eat everything! We're missing you down here xx (:

So I got myself to get up from my hotel bed and slip into my vans, throw a flannel over my shirt and leave my room.

When I arrived at the lobby everyone was already happily shoving crepes into their mouth, even Michael looked satisfied. He was a little weird today, but when I asked Luke if he knew why he just shrugged.

Calum finally got over his massive hangover and was now back on track again, which was good because he kind of missed some of the notes at the acoustic gig today. He was nearly unbearable because of his grumpy mood, he didn't stop complaining about his headache all day and about the fact that he "couldn't remember one second of last night".

But now that I saw all four of them smiling like little kids at the food Carl brought them, I couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"Here, I saved you one" Ashton said, handing me one of the thin pancakes. They had chocolate spread on it and I smiled at him before taking a bite.

"So, today's the last show at Wembley, boys! Remember that we will leave very early tomorrow morning for Copenhagen. Don't drink too much tonight" Carl glanced at Calum who was smiling shyly "and make sure not to forget your passports" This time he glanced at Michael, who just rolled his eyes. "And now, let's get going, we don't have that much time left."

I followed the crew into the car, where I finished eating my food and felt my phone vibrating multiple times. When I took a glance at the screen it revealed me that my Twitter mentions went crazy.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not really knowing why people would tweet me. I received about 20 tweets a day maybe, most of them asking me to make the 5sos boys follow them.

I opened the app and nearly choked when I read through the hundreds of tweets I got.

@lukeyspenguin98: omg I bet they fucked, she's such a whore I hope she dies


@caracampel5h: just wait and tomorrow shell wear ashtons shirt lol I hate her already... she looks like a slut anyway cant believe the boys like her

I quickly closed my Twitter app and soaked in some air, trying not to let the boys notice what just happened.

But wow, it was amazing what comments like that could cause inside of me. I never really had to deal with hate and now it seemed as if everyone was spending their whole day trying to make me feel horrible.

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